Hung Juried
West Hartford (Google Maps Location)
March 3, 2010
I don’t know how many college and private boarding/prep school art galleries there are in the state, but since I started including them, I can’t stop now. And really, what would the dividing line be? Trust me, it’s impossible to determine.
Not that I would even want to determine it. Because what I’m finding is that a bunch of these places are actually really cool and have some very thought-provoking art.
I decided to hit this gallery, on the campus of the University of Hartford, during lunch one day. 12 minute drive down, 10 minute visit, 12 minute drive back. (Of course, I also hit the Sherman Museum of Jewish Civilization next door, but that’s to be expected.)
The exhibition during my visit made me a little leery: The Alexander A. Goldfarb Student Exhibition. I try to avoid the student stuff because, well, because it can be so hit or miss. However, my reason for hitting this one during the spring student show was two-fold: 1) UHart is a renowned art school with some very talented students and 2) a picture of yours truly once hung on these very walls during a student show many years ago.
Which reminds me… Did you know that none other than CTMQ co-brainstormer EdHill is a UHart Art School graduate? (Ed passed away in 2016.)
I just emailed him and he told me that
The Joseloff Gallery exhibition program is designed to explore concepts, issues, and directions in contemporary art, while reinforcing the power, richness and diversity of visual language. The mission of the Joseloff Gallery is to enhance the studio programs at the University of Hartford through the creation of exhibitions focusing on a wide range of contemporary art in all media. In doing so, its programs utilize the entire university community and foster a greater understanding and enjoyment of contemporary art throughout the region.
Just kidding, their website told me that. Ed barely remembers his major (photography). Their website goes on to explain the student exhibition:
As you may know, the Alexander A. Goldfarb Student Exhibition and Awards Presentation is held each year in the Joseloff Gallery. All full-time students of the University of Hartford are invited to submit up to two works of art to be considered for the exhibition. A guest juror – an artist, curator, critic, or other person working in the field of art – is invited to choose the work to be included in the show. Of the works selected for the show, two undergraduate students are chosen to receive the purchase prizes in the amount of $1,000 each. The winning students’ artwork then becomes a part of the Goldfarb Memorial Collection, owned by the Hartford Art School and proudly displayed throughout the University in offices and public spaces.
I love their use of “as you may know.” Because it’s so famous, you see. Anyway, it’s pretty cool that the winners’ work is kept on campus in perpetuity. I only notice one of the two winners this year, and here it is:

Sara Allen: Family Portrait Series: The South
Cool, but who judged this to be the best anyway?
Clint Jukkala, Yale University assistant professor of painting/printmaking and director of undergraduate studies in art will jury this year’s show. Mr. Jukkala received a B.F.A. in painting from the University of Washington in Seattle in 1995 and an M.F.A. in painting from Yale University in 1998. He is represented by Envoy Gallery in New York, and his work has been included in recent exhibitions at the DeCordova Museum and Sculpture Park in Lincoln, Massachusetts, and ZieherSmith Gallery in New York. He has also taught at the University of Connecticut and Quinnipiac University.
Oh. Snap. I just looked at his work… and it’s pretty cool, I must say.
I wandered around the gallery, which is laid out very nicely and lit very well. Yes, it had the requisite hardwood floors and white walls that all college galleries must, but I like that look so it’s fine by me.
So come now, join me in enjoying the University of Hartford’s Joseloff Gallery… I‘m sorry I didn’t note each work’s title and artist, but many of these kids won’t go on to be professional artists or photographers and have likely forgotten they showed at a university exhibition.
So you may be wondering why I was on these walls… Years ago (1995 or so), a friend of mine was doing her senior art project and asked a couple of her friends to pose for pictures. I agreed, got my hair painted blue and then she took a few pictures and manipulated them somehow and that was that. Very exciting.
No, I don’t have the pictures.
There is actually another gallery at UHart: The Silpe Gallery, which I plan to take in very soon. (I finally did, a year and a half later.) In the end, I enjoyed the student show and found many of the pieces quite excellent.
I guess that makes sense here… at one of the best art schools around.
Univeristy of Hartford art galleries

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