Point Judith, Narragansett, RI
August 28 – September 4, 2010
I grew up in Delaware, live in Connecticut and we’ve started this Rhode Island vacation house thing. That means I grew up in the second smallest state, live in the third smallest and vacation in the smallest. That’s weird, right? No, no, not weird that I thought of that, but rather that my life has come to that. Whatever, here are some pictures of our 2010 week-long trip to the Ocean State during which Hoang was pregnant; somewhat limiting our fun.
My only problem is that I’m not sure exactly what all we did. But there are some pretty good pictures.
(On the way, we stopped at Buttonwood Farm)
Days 1-3: Point Judith & Newport
Days 4-5: The Beach
Day 6: Green Animals Topiary, Portsmouth
Day 7: Stonington, CT

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