Hamden Land Conservation Trust Trails
Way back in the day (2013), this page read differently. There’s really no point in alerting you to what’s different, but I will say that the Hamden Land Conservation Trust has updated their own website in a way that makes sense to me.
So I’m following suit. This means deleting a couple previously listed properties that were not accessible in 2013… the HLCT has apparently deemed them inaccessible too and no longer list them.
I won’t pretend the HLCT was even on my radar until I was alerted by a Twitter follower to a rare hike at Powder Farm. It’s right off of Dixwell Avenue and it’s closed to the public except for these special rare hikes once every few years. (It’s super contaminated.) I went down for that hike and just kept going… to all the other HLCT properties I could visit in one afternoon.
When I think of hiking in Hamden I first think of Sleeping Giant of course and the Quinnipiac Trail. But there are a bunch of other properties around Hamden – including a few HLCT places.
… Places which have had their names changed since 2013. (Again, this is a decision I agree with, as they used to be named for their addresses. Which was awful.) The organization’s logo has also changed. Hat’s off to the HLCT!
Trailed Properties
The Brethren
Gaylord Mt. Road & West Todd Street (RWA; Rarely accessible)
Glacial Kettle
Johnson’s Pond
Timberwood Trail
Powder Farm (Very rarely accessible, if at all anymore)
Quinnipiac Meadows (Water access only)
That is all.
The Hamden Land Conservation Trust

The town is looking to place a dog shelter on 12 acres of wooded property that abuts Wintergreen State Park. At 490 Main St. Do you know or know how I could find out how this property was obtained by the town?
Thank you and all your volunteers for all the time and energy that you give to helping preserve land in this beautiful town,
Linda Danaher