Goshen Land Trust
Since I was born and raised in the mid-Atlantic Philadelphia area, one of the most difficult things for me to say “Connecticut Correctly” is “Waterbury.” Whereas Nutmeggers say “Wah-terBARE-ee” I’m apt to say “wooderboohri” which sounds bad enough. But I tend to mumble it, so in practice it’s even worse.
Goshen is always funny to me because the entire world would say “Gosh-en,” but a local would simply not understand that because, duh, it’s “Goe-shen.” (I wrote the preceding in 2014 and now that I’m rereading in 2019, I’m not sure that’s true.)
The Goshen Land Trust has a series of connected trails that course north-south through the town. In 2017 or so, they acquired the beautiful Mountain View property to add to their acreage and trail miles.
So I’m GOing to GOshen to hike.
The Preserves/Hikes:
Fox Brook Preserve
Mountain View
Nickel Mine Brook
Richard Kobylenski Wildlife Area/John Ross Trail
Goshen Land Trust
CTMQ’s Land Trust Trails Page
CTMQ’s Guide to Goshen

What is the new trail West of North East St? Does it go to Ivy Mt.? I don’t find it on any maps.