Madison Land Conservation Trust Trails
Madison has a surprising number of trailed properties. It certainly helps that the local land trust is so active and (apparently) well-funded. The MLCT has a great website with excellent maps – two things that certainly make my task to “hike everything” much easier.
The Trust also runs “hiking challenges” fairly often, which compel folks to get out into the Madison woods with the goal of a hat or tee-shirt or something. I love these little challenges that land trusts put together, even if I rarely get around to completing them. The Madison woods will surprise many people who are only familiar with the towns coastline and beaches. Let’s see what I can find!
The Preserves/Hikes:
Bailey North Trail
Bailey South Trail
Blinnshed Loop Trail
Blinnshed Ridge Trail
Camp Hadley Trail
Double Loop Trail
Dowd Hollow Preserve (Proposed future trail)
Indian Rock Shelters
Indigo Woods Trail
Ironwoods Preserve
Jefferson Park Trail
Lost Pond Trail
Mica Ledges Preserve
Neck River Trail
Neck River Uplands North & South
Oil Mill Brook Trail
Overbrook Trail
Ox Pasture Trail
Paper Mill Trail
Rettich Preserve
Shepherds Trail
St. Francis Woods Trail
Summer Hill Trail
Madison Land Conservation Trust
CTMQ’s Land Trust Trails
CTMQ’s Guide to Madison

I spent the winter of 2020-21 hiking all the trails managed by the Madison Land Conservation Trust. Many are well worth exploring and I wrote them up on my website: