I’ve been creating CTMQ for 9 years. I’ve never had a single advertisement, nor have I wanted any. My audience grew along with my credibility, such as it is.
I work closely with the non-profit Smith-Magenis Syndrome Research Foundation and decided that perhaps, if I can actually make a few bucks from CTMQ, it would be cool to be able to help them out. The problem is, I have no idea what type of revenue I might expect. Nor do I have the time to solicit advertisers. CTMQ is my hobby, not my job.
So this page you’re reading is merely an idea at this point. With the changeover to the new site and new URL, my stats won’t be very attractive to potential advertisers for a while. I do know that I have a fairly large, loyal readership that crosses many demographics. I’m proud of that. This site is super “sticky.” People come here for one thing they searched for and wind up spending an hour poking around.
People tell me that’s something that’s important to you, Dear Potential Advertiser.
I’m going to see how many pennies the Google AdSense program gets me, and do some research before I start accepting your money for ads. I probably will set CTMQ up as an LLC and figure out how to work with the non-profit too. BUT! But please, if you are interested, let me know. I suspect there will be deep discounts for early adopters. Your ROI will be fantastic.
Also, I feel the need to mention that I’ve never written a single page on this site as sort of payola. I am not that type of blogger. I have integrity and a large part of the appeal of this site is that I’m honest. You will not see any of those cornball “disclaimers” about “My meal was free, but my opinions are my own” on here. I HATE that stuff. If you want to send me a product, your product is most likely terrible. I don’t want it. If you want to wine and dine me, that’s cool. But I don’t get wined and dined if the intent is for me to write about how OMG Delish! your wine and food is.
This is important to me. I’d rather not make a penny from CTMQ than make $1,000 from blogging payola.

Not an advertising question, just an inquiry:
What is your email address? I can’t find it on your site. I’d like to send you information about upcoming events in Connecticut. Thanks.
I would like to be included in your e-mails