A Museum Not Without Merritt Stratford (Google Maps Location) June 2, 2008 2019 update: Since writing this, there have been widening, tree-clearing, and off/on-ramp improvements to the Merritt. It's still mildly charming and dangerous however. What is a museum? According to Webster's (and since Noah Webster … [Read more...]
Mattabesett Trail: Section 3
Section 3: I Besecks Thee! Routes 66/147 - Routes 68/157, 5.7 Miles July 18, 2008 Note: This was written in 2008, so please forgive the tiny picture formatting. If you want to start at the beginning of the trail, go the Mattabesett Intro here. Aye! I made up a word! To "besecks!" That is, "when one's … [Read more...]
Cooley School Museum
Too Cooley For Schooley Granby (Google Maps Location) July 2008 This is one of several Salmon Brook Historical Society Museums. This place has changed quite a bit since 2008 and is now open as part of regular tours. Looks like I'll have to revisit someday. Granby, Connecticut. Famous for... err... … [Read more...]
Flamig Educational Farm
You Know What Really Gets My Goat? Flamig Educational Farm, Simsbury (Google Maps Location) June 2008 Connecticut museum visit #61. Note: An incredible amount of search engine traffic comes here looking for "Flaming Farm." This farm is not on fire. At some point along this crazy CTMQ journey I decided to … [Read more...]
Chamard Vineyards
"I Did Not Have Wine at that Vineyard" Chamard Vineyards, Clinton July 2008, August 2008, and again in 2010 Clinton, Connecticut is a lovely town. Really, it is. One of my favorites so far on my years-long tour of the state. Beautiful coast, beaches, many intriguing shorefront properties; a quaint and historic … [Read more...]
Mattabesett Trail: Section 2
Section 2: Higby Hollow... Hollow Head Country Club Road Trailhead - Route 66 Crossing (Middlefield), 4.4 Miles July 11, 2008 Note: This was written in 2008, so please forgive the tiny picture formatting. If you want to start at the beginning of the trail, go the Mattabesett Intro here. I'd really like to not … [Read more...]
PT Barnum & Tom Thumb Gravesites
A Sucker Dies Every Minute, Too PT Barnum & Tom Thumb Graves, Bridgeport May 17, 2008 When people try to list some of Connecticut’s most famous and/or important residents over the centuries, I should hope that PT Barnum is always remembered. From Bethel to Bridgeport, Barnum was heavily involved in state politics, … [Read more...]
The Largest Beach
Hammona Hammona Hammona! Hammonasset Beach, Madison July 12, 2008 I love my title. While there is certainly no "correct" spelling of the phrase, there is a correct usage. The Urban Dictionary defines it as, "a sensual way to say hottie." (They happen to spell it "humana humana" which is an insurance company … [Read more...]
Gouveia Vineyards
THIS is Wallingford?! Gouveia Vineyards, Wallingford July 19, 2008 Our little family spent the late morning at the Lyman Orchards "Berry Festival" which more or less consisted of us eating a delicious fresh blueberry funnel cake and walking around the grounds. Oh, and Damian kept picking up random trash on the … [Read more...]
Museum on the Green
Come and Drink the Green Kool-Aid Glastonbury (Google Maps Location) June 14, 2008 This is the greatest museum not only in Connecticut, but in the world. I love Glastonbury's Museum on the Green and all my readers must flock to it in droves and genuflect before the great brick building. Come... Drink the Green … [Read more...]
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