Old MacDonald Had a Firm... Grasp of Impending Realities James MacDonald Monument, Avon You've all seen it. Many of you have passed it 100's of times. I know I sure have. The strangely placed, impossible to read, tall, black monument on route 44 on the Avon side of "the mountain." "The mountain" being … [Read more...]
Windy Metal Garden
Black Metal Rules "Windy Metal Garden," Hartford I can't pretend that I'm a big fan of black metal, per se, but I've always had a soft spot for its absurd over-the-top nihilism and guttural lyrics. And while the Windy Metal Garden has nothing in the world to do with black metal - or metal music of any kind, I can't … [Read more...]
GNH: Long Wharf Nature Preserve
Gather 'Round Kids Gather New Haven's Long Wharf Nature Preserve June 2019 For those of you that read all my hiking pages, I'm about to sound like a broken record: I love urban trails. Yes, of course, there really no better way to spend a crisp autumn day in Connecticut than traipsing up and down mountains in … [Read more...]
CTMQ’s Guide to Milford
Everything Milford I’ve been exploring and writing about Connecticut since 2006. After a decade, I began compiling CTMQ guides for each town in the state. I plan on “completing” Milford CTMQ-style... as well as the other 168 towns, cities, and boroughs in Connecticut. That is the ultimate goal of CTMQ. If … [Read more...]
Milford Land Conservation Trust
Milford Land Conservation Trust Milford Another tough one. The Milford Land Conservation Trust has done a great job securing parcels of land all over town. And when it comes to Milford, a lot of that land is marshland. Unhikeable and mostly unkayakable. So cross them off the list. Then most of their other … [Read more...]
Milford’s Town Trails
Milford's Town Trails Shout out to Milford. The Milf. The town has produced a "Favorite Walks in Milford" that is incredibly thorough and comprehensive. There is much, much more listed than what I have below. Mostly because they include several loops exclusively on roads and sidewalks, but also because they have a … [Read more...]
Mr. Blandings Builds His Dreamhouse (1948)
Bland Brandings Mr. Blandings Builds His Dreamhouse, 1948 You know what's crazy about movies? Especially older ones like this one? This movie was a short story and then a serial story and then a book and then a radio show and then a radio serial and then a television show and then this movie... And then it was … [Read more...]
A Rare Bit of CTMQ Mory's, New Haven October 2013 Greetings! You have found your way to another of the very few, very rare CTMQ pages where I write about something I didn't really experience. As you see from the pictures, I was definitely in Mory's at Yale, but I must come clean: I didn't eat or drink anything … [Read more...]
USACE Trails Intro
US Army Corps of Engineers Trails Colebrook, Mansfield, Middlebury, Naugatuck, Plymouth, Thomaston, Thompson, Waterbury, Watertown It's amazing. 14 years into this massive CTMQ project I've decided to throw this page together. These properties have just sort of lingered on the periphery of how I organize things on … [Read more...]
CTMQ’s Guide to Brookfield
Everything Brookfield I’ve been exploring and writing about Connecticut since 2006. After a decade, I began compiling CTMQ guides for each town in the state. I plan on “completing” Brookfield CTMQ-style... as well as the other 168 towns, cities, and boroughs in Connecticut. That is the ultimate goal of CTMQ. … [Read more...]
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