Mystic Seaport, 1974
By The Mystic Seaport, Inc.
I was perusing the shelves at the Windsor Library the other day and happened upon this book. It’s a picture book. There is one page of text. I could copy those three paragraphs and delight you with them, but you can probably guess what they say.
So I’ll sum it up: Mystic Seaport is really big and has a ton of stuff highlighting Connecticut’s seafaring and shipbuilding past. You should go there, as it truly is one of the state’s and region’s best museum experiences. It is too big to capture in one little 44-page picture book, so really, you should go there and check it out yourself.
That’s it. You’re now asking yourself, “is this page just filler for CTMQ? Did Steve really need to write and publish this? I mean, surely there are a ton of real books published more recently than 1974 about the place and will he be reviewing some of them someday too?
Answers: Yes, yes, and yes. Until then, here’s a picture of a picture of an early 1970’s salty boat restorer from the book.
CTMQ’s List and Reviews of Connecticut Books

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