Me? Ow.
The Kitty
By S. Flynn
Oh dear.
A man buys a house in Enfield and gets married to a woman who quickly leaves him but there’s a cat there that he adopts and names Kitty. Kitty is a good cat and gets the man through his difficulties.
The man takes in a few other abandoned cats and comes to very much enjoy their company. Kitty gets old and gets lymphoma and dies. The man loved Kitty and realizes he was his best friend so he wrote a book about their years together.
The self-published book is 77 double-spaced pages long. As if that weren’t enough, self-publishing allows you 7th grade book report tricks like this:
But you can’t fool me, Mr. Flynn.
I love cats and I grew up with the best cat ever. So I get it. I guess.
(If you’re curious and go to the url on the sticker below, you’ll enter the icky world of pay for play. You pay that organization $69 per entry into one of a thousand categories and you are automatically a finalist. So that sticker costs $69 essentially. Legal? Yes. Cool? I say no.)
This is not a good book. Me. Ow.
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