The District of ColumbiaForniaTicut Alien Siege, 2018 If you haven't seen 2018's Alien Siege, you haven't lived life. Please don't confuse this brilliantly written and acted movie with 2005's Alien Siege, which I have not seen. Do I have your attention? Good. Now listen to me closely: that first paragraph was a … [Read more...]
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Book Review: Connecticut Firsts
But First... Connecticut Firsts, Bill Faude & John Friedland This book is a one-hundred or so page compendium of all the things that first happened, or were invented, in Connecticut. Well, that's not true, as it would be impossible to create a fully comprehensive list of all of those things. There are just too … [Read more...]
Mystic Pizza (1988)
Pretty Women Mystic Pizza, 1988 There are a lot of movies on my Connecticut Movies list, but you'll be hard-pressed to find one that more Connecticut than 1988's coming of age flick, Mystic Pizza. It was almost entirely filmed in Stonington and Groton and anyone with a passing familiarity with the area will … [Read more...]
The Lifeguard (2013)
Zero Life The Lifeguard, 2013 "The Lifeguard is a painfully dull (alleged) drama utterly lacking in originality or self-awareness," said Jordan Hoffman of who gave the film a 2.7/10. I should have listened to Jordan Hoffman. I like Kristen Bell. She seems like a good egg, and I really love "The Good … [Read more...]
Rising Star (2013)
A Long Walk... Rising Star, 2013 This movie is no longer available on YouTube. You lose. Rising Star is not a good movie. And yet... And yet it is the exact type of movie for which I created my massive "Connecticut Movies" list. Therefore, I love it. I love its earnestness and its commitment to Hartford. And … [Read more...]
Book Review: Saint of Circumstance
Ain't of Circumstance Saint of Circumstance, Sheila Weller Alex Kelly is a serial rapist. I believe every woman who came forward with stories of Kelly's rapes and assaults in the 1980's. This book chronicles Kelly's life from childhood through his conviction in 1997. Want to know something crazy though? After … [Read more...]
The Other Woman (2014)
The Other Other Woman The Other Woman, 2014 In a strange happenstance, the last "Connecticut" movie I reviewed was called "The Women" It was awful. The Women features a well-dressed steely woman from New York City (Annette Bening) and a preppy housewife with a cheating husband who live in a giant house in … [Read more...]
Wordplay (2006)
Word Up Wordplay, 2006 Full disclosure: I'm a New York Times crossword fanboy and have been for decades. Therefore, any halfway decent movie featuring the NYT crossword will be considered excellent by me. That reminds me of an old beer review I wrote about a beer called “Blanc de Blanche" by Overshores Brewing. … [Read more...]
Bristol Boys (2006)
Bristol Deserves Better Bristol Boys, 2006 Which one of you said I should review Connecticut movies? Because whoever you are, your suggestion then led to a friend making me aware of the 2006 independent film, Bristol Boys. And now I’m just mad at you all. Because this movie suuuuuuuuuuucks. The whole … [Read more...]
Book Review: Traveler’s Guide to Western New England and the CT River Valley
No One Cares About the Gold Coast Anyway Traveler's Guide to Western New England and the CT River Valley Tim Mulligan, 1994 This review completely ignores the non-Connecticut portion of the book. It is absurd to review a travel guide from 1994 for all the obvious reasons. This book was published just before … [Read more...]
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