O (My) Little Town of Bethlehem A visit to Christmas Town December 2009 Crazy. Plum crazy I says. I had heard about Bethlehem from a trusted source who used to write for a local paper out this way that Bethlehem was a “very conservative, very unique” place. I had read that they celebrate their name through … [Read more...]
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Bridgewater: Our Last Dry Town (Pre-2015)
At Least It Has "Water" in Its Name Bridgewater: Connecticut's Last Remaining Dry Town November 2014 Update: I’m sad about this and there’s really no reason for me to be that way. But a unique and quirky Connecticut town policy came to an end this week, with the residents of Bridgewater voting to end the town’s no … [Read more...]
Book Review: How the States Got Their Shapes
How the States Got Their Shapes by Mark Stein In case you were wondering, I’m a map geek. I’ve mentioned it all over the place on CTMQ and I make no secret of it. (I’m not alone mind you, and I’m not the most afflicted… Trust me.) But I am bad enough that I asked for this book for Christmas and read it in short … [Read more...]
ML73. The Day of the Locust
The Grass Isn’t Always Greener Modern Library # 73 1939, Nathanael West I was so happy to read this book. Really and truly. For one, it’s nice and short. (So short that Hoang picked it up and read it in a 24-hour block over the last two days of 2010, for no other reason than to rub it in my face that she is … [Read more...]
ML70a. Justine
Disrupt, Corrupt or Interrupt Me Modern Library # 70a 1957, Lawrence Durrell While only a quarter of the way through the Modern Library list, I can’t help myself from making the following bold statement: Lawrence Durrell might just be the best writer I’d never heard of before being “forced” to read his stuff. That … [Read more...]
ML67. Heart of Darkness
Not Such a Horror Modern Library # 67 1910, Joseph Conrad Do not be afraid of this book. Heck, it's less than 100 pages long! What is there to fear? Well, two things actually. This little work has a reputation for being difficult to read and in a lesser sense, a "scary" journey into the shadow's of man's evil … [Read more...]
ML65. A Clockwork Orange
Droog! This Book is the Cal Modern Library # 65 1962, Anthony Burgess I know. You’ve “seen the movie.” Without scanning over the list of 100, I’m going to say with no proof or even the most minimal of research that this book and Deliverance are probably the top two for “I’ve seen the movie.” (Okay, maybe … [Read more...]
ML64. The Catcher in the Rye
If a Body Meet a Body, Give Them This Book Modern Library # 64 1945, J.D. Salinger [I write CT Beer Reviews too. They aren't typical beer reviews at all - like this one in particular which, if you're reading this page, you may enjoy a little bit.] I begin this review with a plea: If you haven’t read this book … [Read more...]
ML62. From Here to Eternity
Wahoo Prew! Baa! Yah! Bah! Modern Library # 62 1951, James Jones Man, this is a good book - for many reasons. First and foremost, the mere fact that I (me! )finished a 954 page smallish font book (in 5 months) alone tells you it's got to be at least readable. On top of that, I didn't utilize an all-too-simple … [Read more...]
ML56. The Maltese Falcon
Twisting the Night Away Modern Library # 56 1929, Dashiell Hammett I read an article a couple weeks ago lamenting the current state of television with respect to the asinine obsession with ridiculous plot twists and shocking (for the sake of shocking) surprises. I didn’t watch Lost but know enough to know that I … [Read more...]