Little Okay Movie Big Bad Swim (2006) I don't really know what to say about this movie. It's not bad at all, but... I'm not sure why it exists? It was billed as a comedy-drama which is really weird because it's really not funny - and more importantly, I don't think it ever really tries to be … [Read more...]
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The Conjuring (2013)
You've been Warrened The Conjuring, 2013 I have somehow almost completely avoided crossing paths with Lorraine and Ed Warren. They have both passed away but their legacy will certainly outlive me - not only in Connecticut, but across the nation. The famous Warrens. In fact, I've heard some radio ads … [Read more...]
Revenge of the Stepford Wives (1980)
D'oh! Revenge of the Stepford Wives, 1980 The original Stepford Wives is somewhat of a classic. What that movie lacked in quality, it made up for in popular culture influence. The term "Stepford Wife" actually means something and is still used today. And it often doesn't just mean "Plastic robotic perfect appearing … [Read more...]
House of Dust (2014)
Done and Dusted House of Dust, 2014 One way you can know this is a terrible movie is that when you Google "House of Dust," you get a bunch of links for vacuum cleaners and allergies and have to look pretty hard for the movie. And when you click on, say, Rotten Tomatoes for this lowish budget horror movie, there … [Read more...]
The Innkeepers (2011)
Peddling Pablum The Innkeepers, 2011 For many locals, this movie will serve as an important historical archive of the Yankee Pedlar Inn. Located in Torrington, the grand old hotel is an iconic piece of architecture from an age that has long passed us by. The Inn has been shuttered since 2015 with scant promise of … [Read more...]
Pizza, A Love Story
(It's Sally's. The Answer is Sally's) Pizza, A Love Story (2019) This is a very important movie. Even though it took over a decade to complete and required some crowd-sourced funding, it is a movie that had to be made. Yes, it's a documentary about New Haven Pizza. Year after year, The Daily Meal ranks the top 100 … [Read more...]
The Canaan Conundrum
The Canaanites Canaan, North Canaan, New Canaan, East Canaan, ... and Falls Village As a non-Connecticut native, I'm not qualified to write this. Quite simply, I can't make sense of it. Then again, as an outsider, I can see the issue for what it is: stupid. Let's dispense with New Canaan off the bat, as it … [Read more...]
Book Review: Those Guys Have All the Fun
Fun and Games Those Guys Have All the Fun: Inside the World of ESPN, James Andrew Miller & Tom Shales (2011) I'm exceedingly upset with myself. I read this book several years ago and because it's so long and so dense and so chock full of great Connecticut-centric nuggets, I kept putting off reviewing it. So now … [Read more...]
Book Review: Fairfield County Chef’s Table
Gold Coast Star Fairfield County Chef's Table, Amy Kundrat (Photos by Stephanie Webster (2014) I suppose it's only proper to note that the author of this book is a friend of mine, but I did purchase it on my own at full price for what that's worth. So, there's probably no way I'm going to say that this book is … [Read more...]
Book Review: One of Windsor
Left Me Hanging a Bit One of Windsor, Beth M. Caruso (2015) I dunno... I'm just not a big fan of "historical fiction" I guess. I like good books on history, and I like good works of fiction well enough. But there's always something so awkward when the two genres meet and mingle. I'm sure there are countless … [Read more...]
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