Not in Manchester, Not in Roxbury New Roxbury Land Trust's Manchester Field and Woods, Union December 2021 None of the New Roxbury Land Trust properties are officially trailed. Look, I hear you. When did I start writing about untrailed and admittedly unexciting properties? The answer is... today. And I don't … [Read more...]
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Onion Mountain
"L'il Bit O' On-yon" Canton Land Conservation Trust, Canton December 2021 Who among you remembers Justin Wilson, the Cajun Chef, from his old PBS cooking shows? Man, that guy was great. Between his accent and Julia Child's accent (and the foods they made), watching PBS cooking shows was great. Those shows with … [Read more...]
Bunker Hill Preserve
Can't(on) Stop, Won't Stop Canton Land Conservation Trust, Canton November 2021 Dear Canton Land Conservation Trust, You keep adding new trails, I'll keep hiking them. The farthest corners of your town are only half an hour away from me. You can't hide from me. I'll always be coming for you. Can't(on) stop, … [Read more...]
Baker Preserve
The Fabulous Baker Woman Canton Land Conservation Trust, Canton November 2021 Oh Canton Land Conservation Trust, how you play games with me. I "completed" Canton and one week later, you open a new trail at the Swibold Preserve. I rushed out to hike it one afternoon before my "Canton completion celebration" is … [Read more...]
MLCT: 3 Short Trails
Easy as 1, 2, 3 Three Manchester Land Conservation Trust Trails (MLCT) November 2021 I have written many times over the years that if an organization goes through the effort of clearing, naming, mapping, and sharing information about a trail, I'll hike it and give it the attention it deserves. I like that rule, … [Read more...]
JT: Chenes Roches Preserve
With a French Kiss Joshua's Trust Chenes Roches Preserve, Willington June 2021 This is a Joshua's Trust property. We all know English isn't the prettiest tongue on earth. I can't say which language is the most pleasant to the ear, but French is pretty nice. Take this preserve's name: Chenes Roches... ahh... … [Read more...]
JT: Tobiassen Memorial Forest, Auperin, & Weigold Conservation Areas
A Rare Three-fer Joshua's Trust Tobiassen Memorial Forest, Plus Auperin & Weigold Conservation Areas, Tolland June 2021 This is a Joshua's Trust property. As my son Calvin continues to play soccer at a fairly high level (for a 10-year-old, such as that is), his training and playing continues to take me around … [Read more...]
SLT: Walden Preserve
A Thoreauly Wonderful Preserve Salem Land Trust's & The Nature Conservancy's Walden Preserve, Salem December 2020 I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I … [Read more...]
JT: Hubbard Sanctuary & Garrison Park
Hubba Hubbard Joshua's Trust Hubbard Sanctuary & Agnes' Pasture & Garrison Park, Chaplin March 2021 This is a Joshua's Trust property. There's a lot going on here. Okay, not really, but there's a lot going on here in terms of landowners and managers and trail rights and easements and activities. And for … [Read more...]
Swibold Preserve
(Swi)Bold Claim Canton Land Conservation Trust, Canton September 2021 What's the "bold claim" reference in this page's title? It is that I've "completed" Canton with this hike. Every museum, every trail, ever entity that I care about, visit, and write about for this website. Done. Why "bold?" Because who … [Read more...]
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