The GRT at NVCC is for You and Me Glacier Ridge Trail, NVCC October 18, 2015 I don’t know why I hiked this trail or why I’m writing about it. It’s not a trail anyone is going to go out of their way for, that’s for sure. But then again, since it is in Waterbury, within sight of the constant stop-and-go traffic of … [Read more...]
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Waterbury’s Town Trails
Waterbury's Town Trails I know what you’re thinking... Waterbury? Hiking? Yup. It exists. Not only does it exist, but the CFPA’s Hancock Brook Trail is rather wild and scenic. My 2009 hike of it is proof. Annnnnd that's about it, short of a little community college trail and some tiny town parks that … [Read more...]
Bozrah’s Town Trails
Bozrah’s Trails For whatever reasons – fair or unfair – I’ve picked on poor little Bozrah for years. It’s always my go-to town to point at and say, “I do everything there is to do in the state and one town in particular has literally nothing to do... and that’s Bozrah." The best part of that is that the … [Read more...]
Bolton’s Town Trails
Bolton’s Town Trails Tell me how am I supposed to live without you Now that I've been lovin' you so long How am I supposed to live without you How am I supposed to carry on When all that I've been livin' for is gone Sorry. It’s just that writing a quick little page about Bolton’s town trails is impossible … [Read more...]
Bloomfield’s Town Trails
Bloomfield’s Town Trails Bloomfield used to be called Wintonbury, a portmanteau of Win(dsor), (Farming)ton, and (Sims)bury. In fact, the town’s land trust is called the Wintonbury Land Trust and the historical society is called the Wintonbury Historical Society. When you drive around the town, which I happen to do … [Read more...]
Bethel’s Town Trails
Bethel’s Town Trails I actually have friends that live in Bethel. Yes, it’s true! (No, not the part of my actually having friends, but that I have friends that live in Bethel. Though, to be honest, I guess it is somewhat surprising I have actual friends. So good on you for making fun of me.) Bethel is small … [Read more...]
Bethany’s Town Trails
Bethany’s Town Trails I have no idea how viable or worthwhile the properties I found in Bethany with short little walks around lakes and retired airports are, but I don’t care. Because while looking for Bethany trails, I found a very wonderful thing. Bethany has a hip-hop ode to its awesomeness. Cause when they … [Read more...]
Berlin’s Town Trails
Berlin’s Town Trails BURR-lin. Bur-LIN. I never get it right, but I’m hardly a native Nutmegger, so please forgive me. I’m pretty good with all the other localisms in the state though... I think. And even though my wife grew up in New Britain (or, “New Bri’in,” which I do get right) corrects me all the time, I … [Read more...]
Beacon Falls’ Town Trails
Beacon Falls’ Town Trails Good ol’ Beacon Falls. Everyone loves Beacon Falls, right? I mean, what trip down the Naugatuck Valley is complete without a stopover in the “BF” as its known. Right? Okay, okay... The Naugatuck Trail hits part of the town and the Naugatuck State Forest covers a bunch of it too. … [Read more...]
Ashford’s Town Trails
Ashford’s Town Trails Ashford is certainly one of our state’s “forgotten” towns. But not here at CTMQ. Ashford is a lovely town with many lovely things and even lovelier people. Back in the days when I was physically fit and a member of the UConn cycling team, I’d ride from Storrs to Ashford all the time simply … [Read more...]
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