Colchester’s Town Trails
I have this ridiculous scenario in my mind as to how some of you found yourselves on this page. Perhaps over the next 20 years, one of you will have previously skimmed the page on the Colchester Land Trust and you are now confused to see the one “Colchester Town Hike” below… since you just saw the same property on the other page.
If that’s you, hats off to you. You are a rare breed. One that cares about small trails in Colchester, Connecticut. The property is owned in part by the town and the land trust… or something. So it appears on two lists. Which makes it easier to have page for Colchester’s town trails. Whatever.
My Colchester Town Hikes
Ruby & Elizabeth Cohen Woodlands
CTMQ’s Guide to Colchester
Various maps of Colchester
CTMQ’s Town Owned Land Trails Page

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