Colebrook Land Conservancy
Colebrook is beautiful. Colebrook is the Connecticut town that time forgot. A store, a church or two, some houses of course, and… a whole lot of woods. Most of those woods are the Algonquin State Forest, but the local land conservancy has a few parcels as well.
One of those parcels was held by the Nature Conservancy, but the CLC proved their worth as stewards and were given ownership in 2019. I’m eager to get out to the foreboding Colebrook woods, if only to prove this town exists.
The Hikes:
Deer Hill Trail
Hale Trail
Rockwell Trail
Sandy Brook Trail
Colebrook Land Conservancy
CTMQ’s Guide to Colebrook
CTMQ’s Land Trust Trails Page

I just this morning finally got around to the Hale Trail after living 7 minutes away from it for the last 5 years. It’s a lovely, easy wander through some hemlock/northern hardwoods forest. A couple of small brook crossings, a bench in the middle and no one else on trail. The Rockwell trail is tiny but nice. The Deer Hill trail I’ve done half of, and is a little more exciting in that you get to scramble up a rock face with the assistance of a rope up to a bit of a view overlooking route 8.