Colebrook’s Town Trails
Don’t worry, your friends probably don’t know where Colebrook is either. It’s okay – Colebrookians like it that way. (It’s north of Winsted on the Massachusetts border if that helps.) And while it is mostly either forest or reservoir, there really don’t seem to be too many “town trails.”
And the three listed below are all on private property – meaning that none are actually “town trails” in the way that I define “town trails” for the purposes of this website. Which is bananas. And, quite frankly, mildly exciting to me for gaining access to and walking the trails at these places will put me in rarified air. These are the things to which I aspire.
My Colebrook Town Hikes:
Bobriwka (private)
Camp Jewell Trails (private)
Norbrook Farm Brewery Trails
CTMQ’s Guide to Colebrook
Various maps of Colebrook
CTMQ’s Town Owned Land Trails

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