So many sites and blogs have come and gone since I began CTMQ in 2006 it’s mind-boggling. I gave up trying to keep track probably in 2008. So some below might be mothballed or defunct when you try clicking on them, but hopefully they are still cool to skim. (If you see an asterisk, they may be mothballed.)
Travelogues and Blogs
The Size of Connecticut (& Archives*)
Real Hartford
Damned Connecticut*
Hidden in Plain Sight
Let Us Get Lost
Hiking & Outdoors
Explore Connecticut
Brownstone Birder
In The Field*
Connecticut Waterfalls
Discover the Litchfield Hills
The Last Green Valley
Green Horn, Blue Blazes*
Connecticut Explorer’s Guide*
Informational Stuff & Photography
Connecticut History
Connecticut Explored
Connecticut Art List
Connecticut Notable Trees
Historic Buildings of Connecticut
Connecticut Monuments
CT Historical Markers Database
Kurumi (Connecticut Roads)*
Defunct CT Ski areas*
Connecticut Landmarks
Historic Barns of Connecticut
Gerry Dougherty’s amazing photo compendium
Rob Dobi’s abandoned places photography
Connecticut Brewery history
Satellite pictures of famous CT resident’s homes

What a great blog for CT folks and visitors alike! Can’t wait to read more about your adventures in museuming (is that a word?)