Everything Eastford
I’ve been exploring and writing about Connecticut since 2006. After a decade, I began compiling CTMQ guides for each town in the state. I plan on “completing” Eastford CTMQ-style… as well as the other 168 towns, cities, and boroughs in Connecticut. That is the ultimate goal of CTMQ.
If I’ve missed anything in town or if anything has closed or changed, please let me know.
The Florence Warren Latham Museum of Eastford History
Explore Connecticut’s Eastford Guide
Natchaug State Forest – Intro
CFPA’s Natchaug Trail – Intro
- Section 1: Nipmuck Trail to Pilfershire Road
Section 2: Pilfershire Road to Goodwin State Forest
CFPA’s Nipmuck Trail – Intro
Section 4: Barlow Mill Road to Massachusetts border
Town Trails – Intro
- Boston Turnpike Trail
Crystal Pond Park
French Rue, Camp, & Red Front Trails at Yale Myers Forest
George Askew Nature Trail
Food & Drink
Sadly, nothing of note. Here is an explanation for why this is so.
Everything Else
Nathaniel Lyon Memorial State Park and gravesite
CT Cool Library Trail: Eastford Public Library
Frog Rock
Lakes Leakalot and Leakalot More
Eastford: Complete!
I “completed” Eastford in 2021 but new and/or previously unknown-to-me CTMQ-worthy places and things open all the time, so a town is never really “complete.” I will, of course, continue to visit and write about these new places and things.
Wrap-Up and Completion Celebration at Frog Rock Rock Rest Stop

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