Darien Land Trust
Suffice it to say, Darien Land Trust has a few bucks. Probably more than your town’s land trust. Perhaps even more than your town, period. Such is life in Darien. Which is pronounced “Dairy-Ann” which is important to know if you look like me and are “caught” hiking their immaculate trails and asked of your intentions. Saying “Dairy-in” will get your cuffed and thrown into the Mercedes SUV paddywagon.
That’s a joke, of course, Darien is lovely and its residents are lovely – never mind it being an infamous “sundown town” for a century or two. These days, they voted for Hillary over Trump (only time in its history the town went blue in a presidential election) and there are way more younger people living there. Still rich and still lily-white, but at least a bit more “woke.” All we care about on this page is getting woke and hitting the DLT’s trails!
The Preserves and Hikes:
Cherry Lawn
Nearwater Lane
Olson Woods
Selleck’s and Dunlap Woods
Tokeneke Preserve
CTMQ’s Land Trust Trails Page

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