My Dogged Pursuit Continues
Dog Rock, Preston
August 7, 2010
While tooling down Route 165 into Preston City, Hoang noted how cute this painted rock was. Hoang likes dogs. Her family Chihuahua had just died a couple days ago. Don’t feel too badly; BeauBeau was N-I-N-E-T-E-E-N years old and quite frankly, looked a fright. And his name really was BeauBeau and it really was apparently spelled like that.
After a stop at a winery and some lunch, we passed the dog rock again and I took a picture. I can’t imagine you’ll ever have any reason to be on Route 165 in Preston, but this dog has lasted way longer than BeauBeau:
There’s a plaque near it that says: “Stanley Zictorac original painter of Spotty May 1935.”
Historic Rocks, Painted Rocks, & Named Rocks/Rock Formations

I’d forgotten about that rock. Years ago I used to pass it daily on my commute to work.
Dog Rock will last as long as Time. The paint will be a bit scruffy-looking towards the end, though.
We have a dog rock in Winsted also, at Highland Lake
That will last a long time, it was there when I first moved there in the mid 70’s.
There is a plaque near the dog that tells the story of the dog. It was first painted in 1935.