East Granby Land Trust Trails
East Granby is just… East Granby. It’s not all fancified like Granby with its “North Granby” and “West Granby” frou-frou. No, East Granby just goes hard by itself. East. Gran. By.
Which is cool and all but the East Granby Land Trust doesn’t provide maps online (as of mid-2019) … or, really, any sort of clear detail on which of their properties contains trails. I know several of them do, through my high-level minutes-long Internet deep-dive, but I’ll know for sure when I get out there and see for myself. Which I have now done.
East Granby Land Trust Trails
The 4 “okay” trailed properties:
The 4 trailed properties you can skip:
East Granby Land Trust
CTMQ’s Guide to East Granby
CTMQ’s Land Trust Trails Intro

Hey we live on the Pond Meadow trail and it’s our secret garden! Beautiful but short walk around pond. EGLT keeps it too trimmed back for my taste but lots of wildlife and cool old trees!