East Hartford’s Town Trails
This page used to be nothing more than an apology to you for having wound up here. I used to think East Hartford had no trailed properties that they oversaw. Then one day I was driving down Long Hill Road and saw a big sign for “East Hartford Nature Park Trails!”
I turned down the road, which turned into a rutted dirt track, which took me deep into the East Hartford woods – as deep as such things are in East Hartford – parked, and… proceeded to wander around some true East Hartford owned woods. And as it turns out… there are other town-owned properties to explore. CTMQ never rests.
My East Hartford Town Hikes:
East Hartford Nature Park
Keeney Point/Hockanum Meadow
Great River Park
CTMQ’s Guide to East Hartford
Various maps of East Hartford
CTMQ’s Town Owned Land Trails

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