Stephen Wood, Married Father of Damian and Calvin
Hates Talking About Himself, Proud INTJ
Thank you for taking a moment to read my website. What started as a little hobby to keep me busy and active has evolved into something I never expected. And whatever comes of it, it has always been – and continues to be – a fun hobby, above all else.
I used to have several paragraphs here about how I’ve been happy to accept freelance work and how I don’t really edit or proofread anything on this site, but while that’s all true, no need to keep it here.
In the past, I’ve written for two very popular television criticism blogs (under a pseudonym) where I developed both a fanbase (such as it is) and the confidence that I can entertain people through writing. CTMQ combines my love for travel, exploration, learning, meeting interesting people, observational humor, and lists – and a diverse group of readers seem to rather enjoy what I do here.
I can write for different audiences and in different styles – though only non-fiction. I am easy to work with and I can usually write very quickly.
Speaking Engagements
Magazine Article possibilities
Book Topics
I think I’ve finally come to a point where I not only think I can write an entertaining and profitable book, but I also think I know the general outline. (Difficult special needs son, travel, humor, adventure, museums.)
I welcome inquiries from real publishers. I will not bother with self-publishing. (Sorry if that sounds egotistical, but if I’m going to take this leap, I’m going to do it the right way.

Stephen, visit us sometime and say hello to me.
Hello, I am writting to say “Thank You” for the write up you did about me and my Stone Earth Cairn that is on display at The Good News cafe located in Woodbury, CT. If you are interested in seeing more of my work please contact me @ or my cell 203-509-6407. Thank You. Remi Lleshi….
Hi Stephen,
I am a resident of Barkhamsted and a member of the town’s Economic Development Commission. I delighted at your descriptions of hiking in American Legion and People’s State Forests and wondered if you’d mind if I put a little blurb about you and a link to your descriptions of the trails on our Facebook page (Town of Barkhamsted). We are going to create a separate section for hiking and I think your descriptions are the best I’ve eve seen.
Let me know if this works for you.
Ginny Apple
Love your work!
I stumbled onto your web site while searching for information on the Sunny Valley Nature preserve in Bridgewater CT. When I was scrolling the pages I saw a picture of our house.
I continued to look through your site and I was blown away at the variety and content. I am amazed at your energy level.
I posted a link on my FB pages suggesting it was a MUST for Connecticut residents.
Keep up the great work and why don’t you get started on the Book?
Hi Stephan,
Just let let you know the histoic Comstock Covered Bridge in East Hampton, Ct that has been closed for 2 years is now almost completed and open to the public. I put a couple of shots up on my site. Feel free to use any or all if you would like.
Best reguards!
Just heard you on wnpr this morning. The show was great! Would like to contact you sometime in near future?
Barney B.
Dear Stephen:
I liked your article on Newtown very much. I realized that I had read some of your work before when I found this page about you. You see, I was one lucky “kid” who had gone to high school at Norwich Free Academy oh so very long ago – graduated in 1973. You did a fine job writing about Slater Memorial Museum. I am always proud to brag about NFA and the fact that it is one of only two high schools with a museum. Beautiful, isn’t it?
Anyway, thanks for sharing your reaction to the Sandy Hook tragedy. My family and I have been living in Sarasota, Florida for 14 years now and I still miss Connecticut.
please sent to my email address stories about Connecticut buried treasures and ghost towns. Thanks.
Dear Stephen,
I would like to explore with you a possible presentation in 2018. Can you send me the contact info. I can use to describe this request.
June Hoye
Friends of Fort Trumbull- Program chair
Hi Steve,
Firstly, congrats on the success of your site. I also grew up in Connecticut and I see you just started with AdSense – I have a great opportunity for you! I’m writing to let you know about Ezoic – a Google Certified Publishing Partner.
We’ve worked with sites like to increase ad revenue through automatic ad testing.
Our technology integrates seamlessly into your existing CMS and provides a typical revenue increase from 50%-200%.
What would be the best way to lock in 15 minutes in your calendar to discuss how we can help?
I stumbled on to your website while working on a personal project of my own and I’m super impressed! I don’t live on the East Coast anymore but if I did, wow, what a resource. Glad you’ve turned your project into something that so many people can enjoy and learn from.
Hi Steve, I publish, which has been covering community news in Lyme and Old Lyme, CT for almost 17 years. We have a lead story this morning about Watch Rock Preserve. I was looking for a photo to run with the story (I live in DC now and so it was tricky for me to grab one myself!) and stumbled on your article about the Preserve.
I’m seeking your permission to run one of your photos of the view across the CT River (no children included) with the article. Obviously we will give full photo credit to you. I have posted the article to which we’d like to add your photo at this link: Please let me know if you are OK with us using your photo and, if so, the photo credit you would like us to use. I look forward to hearing from you. Thanks and Happy Fourth!
Olwen Logan
Please take the time to read my comments on Brignole Winery.
Warren Strong here in BOZRAH.
For reasons beyond me ,I found your article about your visit to our Vineyard here. I was impressed with your description and pictures of a business I was forced to leave.
I am still recovering from a mid brain stroke, followed by spinal sistitus so making do with the handicaps is part of my day. The article awakened pleasant memories and I thank you for them.