I don’t care about famous people. At all. Ask Hoang. Plenty of famous people live in Connecticut; far more than most people think. And since much of Connecticut is staid and decidedly un-hip, this sometimes leads to somewhat odd dichotomies.
Like Rob Zombie living in Woodbury.

LOL. This really is his house.

That’s right, the director of the Night of 1000 Corpses lives here.
As of 2022, I think he still owns the house here. He has a little farm yard and everything. Eh, good for him. I hope he opens up for Halloween.
CTMQ’s Houses, Ruins, Communities & Urban Legends

Never heard of Rob Zombie but I grew up in Woodbury and now live in Western Australia so enjoyed seeing this. Lots of famous people owned homes in and near Woodbury when I was growing up.
But does Sheri Moon walk around the yard naked? If so, does she pose for pictures?
These, these are the questions.
I’m pretty sure Mr.Stinky Dreads moved after complaining about the skate park.