Getting Off, Winchester
I regret to inform you that Getting Off has closed. Located next to Stop & Shop in Winsted, people can no longer shop at Getting Off. I never had the pleasure of shopping at Getting Off myself, so I can’t properly review what Getting Off is like, but this person on facebook did:
Cool. That woman recommends Getting Off. Good to know. I would guess a lot of people would recommend Getting Off but no longer can. Oh well.
So what was this place? According to a Yelper, who also recommended Getting Off:
If your a hippy and you like silver this is the place for you. I really like this store. Its a great gift /jewelry shop in Winsted. The clothes really aren’t’ for me but they have a great selection if you like that kind of crunchy/Birkenstock thing.
Hm. In light of that, and it surprises me to write this, but I wouldn’t have recommended Getting Off. Just not my thing. Oh well, I’m sure they were good people. After all, they named their store Getting Off. Good luck in future endeavors.
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