The GRT at NVCC is for You and Me
Glacier Ridge Trail, NVCC
October 18, 2015
I don’t know why I hiked this trail or why I’m writing about it. It’s not a trail anyone is going to go out of their way for, that’s for sure. But then again, since it is in Waterbury, within sight of the constant stop-and-go traffic of I-84, I think it’s important to highlight its existence.

So… it exists! (It also happens to be a few minutes from my friend Ed’s house, so really, that’s why I ended up over here hiking for 15 minutes.)
And it’s a well-marked and nicely cleared trail!
I don’t know much about the Naugatuck Valley Community College, but its campus on the western side of Waterbury contains a whole bunch of interesting gardens in addition to the Glacier Ridge Trail.

Bridge work
The college is woefully mum on the story of this trail. I think it was created for two reasons: To be able to say that there is something “active” to do for the NVCC students on campus and also for the Biology and maybe Geology classes to have something to go look at “in the field.”

It’s not a college trail without a Natty Ice
So as I walked the trails, I was thinking back to my days as a Ecology & Evolutionary Biology major who took some great geology classes (Shout out to Thor!)… and how my professors would have made the Glacier Ridge Trail interesting.
It is entirely within a very open eastern hardwood forest. The whole hillside was obviously cleared 100 or so years ago. There is a bit of succession going on along the dirt road clearings on top of the hill and there was a tiny little wetland area near the parking lot.

Open forest
The geology lessons here are probably a bit more interesting. The “ridge” of rocks here didn’t really look like a glacier caused it, but most definitely had evidence of glacial striation. So who knows.
There were a few unmarked side trails but they couldn’t really have gone too far, as this property is bounded by roads and houses and stuff.


Striation on a boulder
And there you are: A trail on a state owned property in western Waterbury on the campus of a community college you’ve likely never heard of. Done.

Waterbury’s Town Trails
CTMQ’s Other Town/State Owned/Etc. Trails

In case you’re interested, I’m the ‘mastermind’ behind the Glacier Ridge Trail, as it were.
It was my Boy Scout Eagle Project back in 1997-1998. I have no idea why the college named it the Glacier Ridge Trail, but I, along with my boy scout troop (Troop 26, based out of Our Lady of Lourdes Church) built the trail and the bridges, as well as the archway at the trailhead.
We cleared out tons of trash from the space. It took many, many months to do all the work. I have lots of photos of the whole process, and somewhere I probably still have all the logbooks with the hours and names of all the people who helped.
I recently happened upon the Glacier Ridge Trail while staying in Waterbury. I was heading out for a short run, but when I saw the sign for this trail my outing into a far more interesting trail run/hike/exploration. Dan, if you read this comment, I’d love to know a little more about it as your Boy Scout Eagle Project ( Thanks for your hard work and contribution!
Hi Dan,
I am very glad to find your posting about the good work you did back in 1997-1998 for your Eagle Scout Project. The Waterbury Naturalist Club donated an new trail head sign that I installed last Friday. Their donation also helped to upgrade the forest to include 6 trails that are all newly marked.
I want to include your name in the article I am writing for our college community. What is your last name? I recall it might be Ranieri but I am not sure. You certainly earned much credit for your help in the past. Dean Larry Smotroff retired so I cannot ask him your name.
Best regards,
Joe Faryniarz, NVCC
Professor of Biological Sciences
Tamarack Arboretum Curator