Good Night Connecticut
by Christina Vrba (2009)
Gifted at Some Point
Good Night Connecticut is a board book from a series of a billion “Good Night” board books about states, regions, cities, etc.
These books aren’t literature and simply highlight Connecticut’s tourist attractions in language little kids can understand. It’s cute, I suppose.
Every Connecticut kid should be given this book. Every Connecticut kid should go to every Connecticut attraction within it. And every Connecticut parent should read CTMQ’s descriptions of every Connecticut attraction within it as well.
And as CTMQ readers, you surely know that the fossilized tracks at Dinosaur State Park in Rocky Hill are not fossilized dinosaur legs and feet as the book suggests, but merely Eubrontes, which is the name for the tracks, not the dinosaur that made them.
And as children, readers surely know that the book’s suggestion to “give me five” is odd – considering the dinosaur depicted only has four fingers.
Thus ends my review.
CTMQ’s List and Reviews of Connecticut Books

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