Haddam Land Trust Trails
Bam! Go Forth! To Bamforth! And all the other Haddam Land Trust trailed properties! Man, there’s a lot to hike in Haddam. Several state parks, a large state forest, Mattabassett goodness… on and on. And I promise that I won’t overlook what the HLT does here either.
And they’re still active. The picture above is from their Beaver Ledges Preserve, which seems to be the focus of their energy and attention in 2020 at least. Alright, that’s enough. Time to get hikin’ Haddam.
The Preserves/Hikes:
Bamforth Wildlife Preserve
Beaver Ledges Preserve (future trail)
Nedobity Preserve
Ponsett Ridge Preserve
Saraceno Preserve
Washburn Hill Preserve
Haddam Land Trust
CTMQ’s Land Trust Trails
CTMQ’s Guide to Haddam

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