Hartland’s Town Trails
I know someone who grew up in Hartland. Really, I do. While there may be more bears than humans in the town, the humans I know from there are lovely humans. (And I’m sure the bears are lovely too. In fact, Hartland is one place that the state DEEP take the bears that have been captured from suburban backyards and pools.)
A lot of Hartland is state land. It is almost entirely forested and where it’s not, it’s the Barkhamsted Reservoir. But the town manages only a few little trails, and, well, there’s probably a good reason you’ve never heard of them. Time will tell, below.
My Hartland Town Hikes:
Alice Merritt Recreation Area
Berg Field
David K. Leff “Hidden in Plain Sight” Trail
CTMQ’s Guide to Hartland
Various maps of Hartland
CTMQ’s Town Owned Land Trails

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