Gold, Jericho! Gold!
Jericho Falls, Watertown
May 2009
Here I am, thirteen years after I visited these falls, writing a few paragraphs about this little thing along the Jericho Trail in the Mattatuck State Forest.

Photo from Wikipedia
Why? Because the other day I was skimming a Connecticut hiking group page and saw some guy had recently hiked the Jericho Trail and posted a nice picture of what he called Jericho Falls. Now, you may find this impossible, but I immediately knew I didn’t have these falls listed on my giant list of over 150 Connecticut waterfalls and I knew that when I hiked the trail that I barely even noted it.
But that was way back before I decided to visit and write about every waterfall in the state. So the next morning I woke up and immediately checked my Jericho Trail hike page. After cringing at the tiny pictures (on a desktop) and formatting and generally writing style of young and naive me, I came across a picture of the falls. Featuring me! Enjoy:
The falls is a fake falls, tumbling over an old dam. It’s funny what perspective can do for a picture. In the guy’s photo that forced me to write this page, the falls look fairly impressive. In my old picture just above, they do not.
But since Wikipedia includes them on its Jericho Trail page and names them Jericho Falls as well (the falls is not noted on the CFPA Walk Book map), here you are. You’ll pass them about two miles north from the Jericho Trail’s southern end, about a mile south of Leatherman’s Cave The Rock House and the junction with the Mattatuck Trail. I don’t think you want to make this the highlight of your hike, but you do you.

View from Crane’s Lookout near the falls

CTMQ’s Waterfalls & Cascades
CTMQ’s Jericho Trail Hike
CTMQ’s Mattatuck State Forest Page

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