My Bolton Tell-All
Johnson Pond Falls, Bolton
April 2020
Alright, look. These falls don’t appear in any guidebook, nor on any list. They don’t even have a name – I made up “Johnson Pond Falls.” But since I’m divulging everything I know about the town, this is my Bolton tell-all. They tumble from Johnson Pond at Camp Johnson near route 6. To reach them, you could be a scout camping at Camp Johnson, a trespasser trespassing at Camp Johnson, or a perfectly legal father-son duo hiking the trails of the Bolton Land Trust’s Edith Toomey Clark property.
There we were, the perfectly legal hiking duo, trudging up the hill after circling back along the Hop River, being quite caught by surprise at the depth and definition of the chasm to our right. It’s really weird that I had not read about this deep cleft in the hill, nor had I heard about what is clearly more of a true waterfall than many named and known falls in the state.
They’re not really worth the effort to go see them, and I’m pretty sure Johnson Pond is dammed so the falls probably never fully rage. But they were cool enough for me take two pictures and to sit down to write about them several weeks later. Johnson Pond Falls of Bolton, everyone!
CTMQ’s Waterfalls & Cascades
CTMQ Hikes the Bolton Land Trust properties

Saw this today. Was worth a few photos. Thanks for pointing it out.