Madison’s Town Trails
If you told 100 people to tell you what they’d do if told to spend a day in Madison, I figure the breakdown would be as follows: 80 to Hammonasset Beach, 15 to wine and dine in fancy restaurants, 3 to explore “downtown”, 1 to go to the history museums and one to go hiking.
And that’s a shame, because Madison is not only home to some great walks along the Mattabessett Trail, it has a prolific land trust and some cool town trails. As I write this intro page, I’ve not really explored the trails below other than of the Rockland Preserve as part of my Mattabesset hike back in the day.
But it’s Madison… salt air breezes, no tough climbs, fancy French restaurants at which to relax at after a day of hiking… Yeah, I think you’ll like it here.
My Madison Town Hikes:
Rockland Preserve
Salt Meadow Park
CTMQ’s Guide to Madison
Various maps of Madison
CTMQ’s Town Owned Land Trails

I spent the winter of 2020-21 hiking all the trails managed by the Madison Land Conservation Trust, having previously hiked other trails in Madison. Many are well worth exploring and I wrote them up on my website. I briefly comment on the town trails in the write up: