Middlebury Land Trust
What’s up, Middlebury?
How are you doing? Good? Good. Hey, I have a suggestion. I think there are some decent trails in town, but finding them online has been quite difficult. Your town website is useless, so my Middlebury Town Trail page is… sparse. Perhaps that reflects reality, but I don’t really know.

Larkin Pond at Fodder’s Folly, photo from The Bee
And you, Middlebury Land Trust, you aren’t much better. Sure, you have a lovely map of all your parcels around town, but you fail to clarify which properties are trailed! Grrrr.
Maybe they all are? Maybe only a few? I have no satisfactory way of knowing. I cobbled the list below together from reading a bunch of articles from people who claim to have hiked at various MLT properties. Compounding the problem are that several properties go by different names, or are a combination of smaller properties and…
Have I missed some? I’m sure.
So feel free to help me out. Otherwise, I’ll need to spend a day hopping all around your quiet town, rap music blaring, tires screeching, checking out each and every little blip of MLT land.
And no one wants that.
The Preserves/Hikes:
The Foote Path
Brookdale Farm
Goss Purchase
Juniper Hill Reserve/Sperry Pond
Lake Elise
Larkin Pond/Fodder’s Folly
Tuttle Preserve
Middlebury Land Trust
CTMQ’s Land Trust Trails Page
CTMQ’s Guide to Middlebury

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