A Bang-Bang Write-Up
Middlefield’s Town Seal
I really don’t have much to say here other than Middlefield’s town seal is seen through a gun sight. And I think that’s pretty weird since, to me, it appears that the town is in someone’s crosshairs. And that being the case, Middlefield’s seal suggests that someone is trying to shoot something in town.
Now granted, Middlefield is somewhat safe here because no one outside of Middlefield knows where Middlefield is, or even if its a real town or not. (It’s surrounded by Middletown, Meriden, Wallingford, and Durham. Lyman Orchards! Powder Ridge! CT Forest & Parks headquarters! Wadsworth Falls State Park! C’mon people! Middlefield is pretty cool!)
It just has a weird town seal. Here’s the story, as told by the town:
The town seal is a view of Middlefield as seen through a gun sight. The crosshairs represent the gun sight manufacturing that has taken place in Middlefield for many years. The four quadrants of the gun sight are broken into different aspects of the town of Middlefield. The upper left-hand quadrant is a picture of the 1700s saltbox homes that still stand in Middlefield. The upper right-hand quadrant represents the orchards and farmland that make up much of the open space of Middlefield. The lower left-hand quadrant represents many of the outdoor activities that go on in Middlefield such as fishing, hunting, boating, skiing, golfing, and many other activities. The lower right-hand quadrant is the old pistol shop that used to be a major part of Middlefield’s makeup. The seal was designed by Donald Ginter.
Best I can do. Don’t shoot the messenger.

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