BarLows and Highs of That CTMQ Life
Manchester Land Cons. Trust Trails (MLCT): Barlow Park
~0 Miles, May 2017
You know how you think I’m nuts? Like, “what is wrong with that dude and why does he care about doing this stuff” nuts? I hear you.
As I was finishing up everything to do in Manchester I could do for CTMQ, I returned to Barlow Park deep in the southwestern corner of town. (So southwestern that a portion of the Barlow property is in East Hartford.)
And when I write “returned,” I mean, “returned again for a third time.”
And when I wrote “nuts” earlier, now is when I tell you that I couldn’t find any discernable trail to hike at Barlow. Yes, it took me 3 visits to sort that out.
First visit: a foot of snow on the ground and both children with me. Wasn’t going to happen.

Yeah, nah
Second visit: I didn’t have much time and there was frozen snow in the tiny “parking area,” if that’s even what it is, so I didn’t try.
Third visit: I parked, took the picture of the little plaque, walked towards the house and woods, looked for a trail, and said, “that’s nuts enough for me and my readers.”
Saved you a trip.
Manchester Land Conservation Trust
CTMQ’s Manchester Land Conservation Trust Trails Main Page
CTMQ’s Land Trusts Main Page

Just discovered this “park” after passing it for years. There are a couple posts marked “trail” now. In the woods there are both blue and yellow blazes. Heavy leaf litter. Hard to see a trail. Apparently to crosses through to Oak Street in East Hartford. Don’t see an entrance on that side.