Can’t Do It
By Matthew Lysiak
I can’t read this book. I tried. Then I tried skimming. I’d read a paragraph here or there and it would just wreck me. I honestly don’t know who can read this whole book.
Lysiak is a good writer and he does his best here, but it’s just brutal. The book’s first pages tug the heartstrings with the final goodbyes of most of the murdered kids and… yeah. It’s rough. I didn’t even get to the part of the actual incident. Or the part where he’s sure the senseless slaughter will “change America forever.” (Spoiler: it didn’t change a damn thing.)
I don’t know if it’s because my older son is the same age those kids would be today or if it’s because I live in Connecticut or because I am livid that I live in a country where AR-15’s are as commonplace as Bibles or because I’m a decently empathetic human.
There are books that are just as tragic. There are books that are just as sad. And there are books that make me just as angry. But all three emotions tied together and raging for 240 pages?
Nah. Can’t do it. Sorry.
My own hard to read Newtown essay
CTMQ’s List and Reviews of Connecticut Books

Not to sound brutal but some books just shouldn’t be written. This is one of them.