Northern Connecticut Land Trust
East Windsor, Ellington, Enfield, Somers, Stafford/Stafford Springs, Tolland, Vernon
These large regionalized land trusts that cover several towns are the way to go. Every few years smaller trusts are merging and spanning towns in Connecticut. You’ll also notice that these regional trusts are more active both in the woods and in the town property meetings. They usually have better websites with more recent updates and they typically stay on top of social media a bit better.
Why? Simply put, because they are bigger with more volunteers and/or staff. It just makes sense.
I’m writing this introduction after having hiked several NCLT properties and they are, by and large, very well-kept trails. This is certainly an organization I’ll have to stay on top of, as they seem to add trailed properties every so often. But that’s hardly a complaint! That’s a compliment. Let’s hike.
The Hikes:
East Windsor
Wapping Bog – not trailed
Bellante Preserve
Ernie Boothroyd Nature Preserve
Shenipsit Woods
Sunset Hill
Swann Farm
Wraight Bird Field Conservation Area
no trails
Bald Mountain Preserve
McCann Family Farm
Scantic Riparian Area
Schlaf Farm
Skyline Scenic Area
Stevenson Woodlands – not trailed
Whitaker Woods
Book Review: Loop Year, by John Shierer
Bob White Farm (Private)
Culver Pond Nature Preserve
Roaring Brook Woodlands
Nipmuck Woods
Kent South Nature Preserve – possible future trails
AK Webster Preserve
Eckers Pond
Indian Trails & Hatch Hill – not trailed
Talcott Ravine
Northern Connecticut Land Trust
CTMQ’s Land Trust Trails Page

Just curious if the land trust allows local residents access for the purpose of bow hunting.. I recently bought property on mountain rd. And there’s a piece of land trust across the street and would like to check it out..