Ole Mystic Post Office, Stonington
I was scrolling through old pictures and came across the one below that I took of the Old Mystic Post Office. I remember thinking at the time I took it, “Oh my gosh, that is just the cutest little post office in Connecticut!” Sure, there are tons of tiny post offices around the state, but how many are painted this color?
Perhaps more interesting is that this is in “Old Mystic” which is different than Mystic. Both Old Mystic and Mystic straddle Groton and Stonington (This building is in Stonington, a stone’s throw from Groton where the bulk of Old Mystic is.) And if you know me, you know my penchant for telling people that Mystic (and Old Mystic) are not actual Connecticut towns, cute post offices notwithstanding.
CTMQ’s Libraries, Post Offices, & Schools

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