Play Well August 2018 I celebrated my 100th Connecticut museum with cake at home with family. 200 was an overnight at Foxwoods. 300? The Upscale Bernard's restaurant in Ridgefield. How would I ever outdo myself at 400? Oh, I know! At work! How exciting. I thought it would be kind of neat. I worked at … [Read More...]
Classics from the Archives
Completed Towns & Celebrations
Completely Nutsmeg An astute reader once asked, “Hey Steve, how will you ever actually complete a Connecticut town?” What she meant was that new things open all the time. New breweries, new museums, new trails, new whatevers. And believe it or not, I sometimes learn of things that belong on a CTMQ list after I’ve … [Read More...]
Featured Posts
Simsbury Free Library
Eno's Traffic Simsbury Free Library, Simsbury November 2024 Connecticut museum visit #540. Funny story: I visited this library within a week or two of visiting another unique library in New Haven. There was no question in my brain that that library can be called a museum. But this one in Simsbury? I waffled. I … [Read More...]
Book Review: A Museum of Early American Tools
Toolin' Along A Museum of Early American Tools, Eric Sloane (1964) Connecticut museum visit #541. This is a first. 541 Connecticut museums into this decades-long project and I'm calling a book I just read a museum. Which is ridiculous. Absurd. Ludicrous. The book was written by Eric Sloane, one of … [Read More...]
Founders League Private Prep School Museums
Fahncy Founders League Private Prep School Museums, Various Towns You can blame this page on my very specific, very undiagnosed, very arbitrary, very fake OCD. The thing that compels me to make lists and complete lists. Lists that exactly one person in the world cares about: me. As I was "completing" the town … [Read More...]