Yeah, check me out.
Magazine Editors, Interviewers, etc, this is for you.
[2015 Update: I reached a point around 2013 when I simply stopped keeping track of this sort of thing. Don’t get me wrong, it’s humbling and fun to appear in the media – and it’s especially important to me when I get to talk about my son and the foundation we support. But… eh. I’ve gathered together some of the best on this page.]
Courant article about the CT Hops for Hope Brewfest, by Leeanne Griffin
February 2010 Connecticut Magazine profile, “Mr. Connecticut.
George Krimsky of the Waterbury Republican-American features CTMQ in his 5/18/09 column. – No longer available at the Rep-Am, but I saved it here.
Adam Bulger at the Hartford Advocate features CTMQ! (9/25/2008) – Adam gets the award for being the first to recognize what’s up.
I had the privilege of speaking at the next New England Museum Association Conference in Warwick, RI on November 14, 2008. The blurb from their handsome pre-conference booklet reads:
“What do visitors want? If only we could answer this question, particularly for the visitors we are so anxious to attract. One articulate passionate museum visitor, a 35-year-old father who lives in a Connecticut suburb, is telling the world exactly what he likes and what he does not like about museums. Come meet the blogger behind (this site) and shift your point of view. This guy is totally awesome.”
— Ed. note: I made up that last sentence.
Me on the Colin McEnroe show
The State of Connecticut endorses CTMQ via ConnectKIDS:
“If you would like to read something about a Connecticut museum you are thinking of visiting, especially the small, out-of-the-way museums and historical sites, just surf over to the Connecticut Museum Quest website and read the “tell-it-like-it-is” reviews of Steve, museum reviewer. Informative, highly detailed, entertaining and always brutally honest, these reviews can be used as museum guides, so be sure to print out the article(s) you are interested in and bring it to the museum with you.”

Check you out famous Amos. Gosh, and to think I virtually knew you when.