More Than a Little Stupid
Pygmy Village, New Britain/Plainville
You know it’s a good page when there’s an…
I love junk like this. Every state has ‘em, really no more than another. I had them around me in northern Delaware/southeastern Pennsylvania – Satan Road (where the trees “grow backwards!”) and Zoobeeville (the always popular hidden away community of evil dwarves in tiny houses) to name but two. Here in Connecticut we have the Melonheads in Trumbull, the Frog People in Bethel and… Pygmy Village in New Britain. All three are surely nonsensical urban legends perhaps originally based on one oddball in town, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t worth exploring and/or delving into the origination of the myth.
Part 1
My husband..his brother and some friends keep talking about this small village of about 15-20 small houses…and its a village of little people… they said its up in the mountains behind the dmv on the line of new britain and plainville.
I do not believe them…so i was just wondering if anyone else has heard about this so called little people village…
They say if you drive up there they throw things at your car because they dont want to be bothered… how and why would a whole bunch of little people come together and live in this little “town”
— From a Yahoo Answers page that no longer exists.

The area in question, north and west of I-84. The scariest thing on this map is Applebee’s.
(Note: There are other, just as interesting strange places around the state, but I categorize them a little differently. Like, Little People’s Kingdom in Middlebury is actually real – in that there are mini-buildings in the woods, Dudleytown is real – in that there really are ruins in the woods in Cornwall, Bara Hack in Pomfret is real – in that there are cellar holes and old stone foundations in the woods, Gungywump in Groton is real – in that there are evidences of Native American life there. None of these places are haunted or scary, but they ARE interesting and deserve the full CTMQ treatment… In due time.)
Even though my wife Hoang grew up in New Britain, she’d never heard about the Pygmy Village. I found that really strange – and it made me question if this was a real New Britain/Plainville legend. Then Colin McEnroe mentioned it one day and I sort of noted it, but let it sort of seep out of my consciousness. Then, just the other day I was going through some old notes again and trying to make sense of some of them and decided to Google “Pygmy Village New Britain” again and voila: Information.
Sketchy anecdotal information, but it was enough to go on. And once I started really poking around, I learned some cool stuff. I learned a ton of things just from Google maps, satellite and street view – the holy trinity for me. (In fact, the pictures in Part 1 are all from Google Maps because I really didn’t want to be a jackass and take too many pictures myself up there.)
For one, the area in question is actually in Plainville, not New Britain. I don’t know why, but that’s sort of funny to me. The legend has always said it was in New Britain, and if it exists, it’s clearly in Plainville. The area is atop the hill to the west of I-84 at the Slater Road exit along a very poorly maintained stretch of very skinny road. It’s not a road you’ll want to traverse by accident on a dark and stormy night, believe me.

Satellite image of the fabled village
There are two approaches. Please note, this exposé is meant to debunk the idea that a village of evil Pygmies or dwarves lives here and to dissuade ding-a-lings who believe such nonsense from attempting to “prove” otherwise. I also think (before venturing there myself), that this route is an access portal for ATV’s, motorbikes and Jeeps to drive into the woods all around the Metacomet Trail to the west and ruin things for those of us who just hike. We’ll see.
Approach One (Long Swamp Road, via Google Streetview):
From the east from Long Swamp Road is one approach. Starting on the east side of I-84, you pass a whole bunch of rather depressing abandoned housing projects behind chain-link fencing. I don’t know what ultimately did these joints in, but New Britain would be well-served if they are someday able to get rid of these.
[2010 update: This is now a grass lot with roads and road signage.]
[2017: There’s a giant, gleaming magnet school here now.]
Approaching the bridge over the highway, I must wonder why this car is parked here, but it also looks like we’re crossing into a central American country rather than Plainville, CT.
Continuing west across the interstate, you can easily see how this gets sort of creepy really fast. The road turns to crap, becomes very skinny, and the plants begin overgrowing the road immediately.
Continuing west, the road passes a perfectly fine house but then begins to further earn its reputation shortly thereafter. The road is very overgrown and shoddy, and the “houses” become a bit smaller. Several trailers with lots of abandoned cars on blocks and the like. But, certainly no “tiny pygmy” houses here at all. Full grown up houses and trailers in which normal people live.
Strangely, and adding to the mystery of the area, Street View comes to a stop very near a couple fairly large houses right alongside Long Swamp Road, just before the road turns south. Why? I don’t know. Did the Pygmies have the Street View images removed? Hmmm….
[The road disappears after the first house and becomes a muddy slog up the hill, and I didn’t bother with it in the Jetta. Street View goes pretty far into the woods]
Checking the satellite image of the area, there certainly appears to be a few more structures south of where the Google images ceased. Pygmy Village? The excitement builds…
[No, just old busses and cars, actually.]
Approach Two (North Mountain Road in New Britain):
Okay people, what’s scarier than village full of evil pygmies? That’s right… The New Britain DMV. And that’s where our journey begins from the south side of the mythical village. So you see, it’s not like we’re venturing to parts unknown! The DMV is right here, a mere minute or two from the place in question. Of course, the DMV is a bit of a Twilight Zone in its own right.
Travel up the hill and across I-84 via another sort of weird bridge to nowhere with overgrowth and trash and stuff, where the road becomes half as skinny once on the other side. You can see how this road gets its reputation I guess.
Through the thick woods and past the trash lining the road. Obviously kids come up here to be stupid, as there are several turnoffs along the way, near a bunch of fields and whatnot. Yup, this place definitely has the perfect makings for a local urban legend.
[There are a lot of No Dumping signs along with a bunch of “Area under 24 hour surveillance” signs along the road.]
And large flat spaces with light poles? Yes, because the whole top of this hill was a Nike Missile base back in the 1950’s and now there is some quarrying up there.
[The light poles were actually along streets from what looked like an old parking lot or something. Weird.]
That’s right, a Nike Missile base. The Metacomet Trail hikes right up and over some of the launch pads a little ways west of here.
[Our Metacomet Section through this area and some detailed info on the old missle base which explains a little about this area.
Some of the weird things we saw that day hiking the Metacomet now make a little more sense. The abandoned car parts, the 2 stroke engine sounds off to our east that day…
The road becomes Loon Lake Road at some point, I think when it officially crosses into Plainville, and then apparently changes back to North Mountain Road where the houses start.
[The road up the hill is in abysmal shape. Really and truly awful.]
Ah yes, the houses. No, not tiny freaky little people houses, but rather large, perfectly liveable houses. Granted, the road weirdly nearly drive through their living rooms for some reason, but there is absolutely no reason for people to think hellbent pygmies live up here.
But then the same strange thing happens as happened coming from the other direction: Street view just stops cold, right in front of a house.
[We got to the end and had to do a K-Turn. I felt like an absolute jackass especially since a bunch of guys were staring out me from their deck.]
You can see the road clearly continues north to – possibly and hopefully – Long Swamp Road. But I won’t truly know until I drive it myself.
[No, it doesn’t. I am convinced there aren’t any small buildings/houses up there; just normal ones… But you’ll read below that other’s swear there are…]
Part 2:
There are no pygmies in Plainville or New Britain. As you can see, this road is sketchy and with all the legitimate Keep Out signage (Missile base, quarry) and the legitimate “Keep Out” from those who live up there trying to retain their privacy.
Also, the very strange geography of the road adds to the “charm.” It’s a crappily maintained looping dead-end on the other side of I-84 with no other roads. It’s partly New Britain, mostly Plainville. It’s a great spot to hike into the woods from and engage in debauchery. Perhaps there are a few residents up there living in trailers who yell at all the idiot kids who get drunk up there. The road is tiny (not the houses) and skims the siding of several houses for some odd reason. It iS called Loon Lake Road.Maybe there used to be a bunch of small buildings from the missile base.
In other words, Pygmy Village exists because it’s the perfect nexus of all things that make a great local version of an urban legend.
In the end: Leave the people up there alone and stop looking for scary pygmies.
Part 3: The Perception
Below are some chosen posts from various online forums discussing Pygmy Village. I actually went up there and saw absolutely nothing to warrant the urban legend. So some people below are lying, or Hoang and I are blind.
i went up there lastnight around 1130 it was scary i thought the road would be all paved but it turns to dirt after the bridge when i got up to the small village there was a no trespass sign i could hear wispers outside was creepy but its true there are small ppl there they throw rocks
a friend told me that a long time ago when immigrants were settling in NB there was some sort of consruction site there and they hired a bunch of sicilian immigrants. since they were all very short, the houses the company built for them to live in were small and everyone called them pygmies.
Yea i went up there with my friends on bieks at like 6:00 pm and there was a big man with a little woam with a pitbull stareing at me and we kept rideing the bikes and it was very scary and we ended up crossin the field cuz little ppl were following us so we went in the woods and ended in stonegates
I grew up in New Britain and we used to call it Munchkin land because the houses and people were small and there was a Dunkin Donuts over there. Don’t be fooled this place is very real.
There are 7 seven houses at the end of Loon Lake road. The houses have been there for over 70 years and normal people live in them. They drive American cars and like their privacy just like everyone else. Several of home owners own a large amount of acreage in the woods in addition to the homes.
I have lived in NB my whole life and I have heard so many rumors about it. I went up there several times as a teenager.The houses and doors are small, You have to drive in a circle to see all of the houses, you can see into the windows but will never see anyone inside, not even a cat or dog. Weird!
I grew up in NB and am familiar with ‘Pygmy Village’ at the end of N. Mountain Rd. The location is an old Nike missile base from the Cold War.The houses were built for the workers at the base. Legend has it ‘pygmies’ would block the road and throw rocks at your car at night. Fun story but no pygmies
I was in one of these houses years back. Definitely made for little people. Had to duck your head through doorways. Counter tops built really really low. I’m under 6 feet and felt like a giant walking around.
I am a local Realtor and I can confirm that there is no Pygmy Village. I know the owner of the homes and rent them out. Normal people live there. No pigmys. The houses are older homes between 1000-1500 sw ft.
I know when growing up we heard the rumors about pygmy village and drove up there to see them. Never saw any though. While i was there the other day someone drove by and snapped a picture! Its just a secluded wooded area. Nothing more. I actually have one for rent right now if anyone is interested! LOL~!…………………………………………………….
I have three friends that live up there. Supposedly back in the late 60s and into the 70s it actually was a village of little people. My father has confirmed this to me, but my father likes to mess with people a lot.
The houses are now in pretty bad shape and it’s more of a hicktown. I can confirm that there are no little people, pygmys, midgets, or anything else of that sort living up there. There is one asshole who’s pissed that his wife left him, one old hippy dude that is the fucking man, my friends who enjoy shooting stuff and collecting run down cars, a man and his daughter that is really attractive, two houses for rent, and maybe some others that I’m forgetting. The only odd thing that I’ve heard is that my friends have recently spotted a mountain lion (yes, an actual mountain lion) that they have nicknamed Fred Savage. Personally I think they were mistaken, but who knows?
Part 4: CTMQ Commenters!

There are no little people there. Just a lot of red necks and they have a lot of land over there, it looks kind of like a park. Very nice. BUT today I went over there and apparently they bury people over there. I walked maybe 10 yards into the woods and there were built small crosses on some dirty and on the crosses things were written such as “R.I.P Daddy we love you!”. I was recording it with my cell phone and my cell phone began glitching up the closer I got to the crosses and after I backed away back on the road, it worked better again. Very creepy.
OK here’s the deal: there are several parcels of land up there that are owned by Elmo Aiudi (October Twenty Four Inc). He wants to turn it into a housing development but is being blocked by lawsuits. The other areas are quarry lots owned by Tilcon and Manafort. AT&T has a cell phone tower hidden on Loon Lake Rd (don’t mess with it – its got security measures). The town of Hartford even has 3.4 acres of land up there for something to do with US govt? Several of the homes up there are owned by Tommaso, Niedzwiecki’s, and others and they rent out those houses to low income folks. Some are vacant. Some of them are illegally mining up on the hill – for something (Tilcon has all mineral rights – not them). If there is a cemetery it is also illegal as it is not zoned for that in Plainville nor New Britain
The Pygmy myth probably (but not sure) got started because of the Nike Base. Many of the bunkers look like little houses but are much bigger underground. Sometimes people would venture up there during the Cold War Period and get shooed away by the soldiers who may have poked their heads up from a bunker stairwell (looking like a midget) or where in the woods with flashlights throwing rocks at the night-time trespassers. Anything but shoot at them which they had full Pentagon permission to do. So an urban legend may have been created (or not). Same thing happened at all the Nike Bases in Hartford County (Portland, East Windsor, Simsbury etc.). People are just naturally nosy.
Yes there is a large Mountain Lion (aka Cougar) along the Metacomet Trail. Many people have run into him, West Hartford Police (was in the news), Bloomfield 4H Club Farm, hikers, and even up above the CSP firing range in Simsbury in the late 1990’s. It appears that some idiot in Pittsfield MA was raising one illegally back in the late 1980’s and it escaped never to be recovered. He is quite tame and domesticated. He won’t attack you but don’t pet or feed him. He eats rodents, birds, carrion, etc. He has no mate so he will be the last of his kind in the area. In the wild they live from 20-25 years. So he’s pretty old by now. The local German-Shepard sized Coyotes lately will probably get him…
This is at the end of Gungywamp Road in Groton CT. It is the location of a pre-Columbian Irish priest that crossed the Atlantic in a leather boat and set up an encampment there (maybe St. Brendan the Navigator?). I’m sure the Nehantic tribal nation did not appreciate his presence and failed to find his legendary Garden of Eden (I guess the Nehantics weren’t white enough for Brendan?).
There is also a strange geomagnetic anomaly there that is rumored to cause feelings of mental-depression when standing over the area.
I’m from new Britain and I remember driving up there as a teenager with friends. It was weird alright but always fun.
I lived in N.B. from the time I was 12 until I was 16 from 1973 to 1977. We lived near the Plainville line off of Black Rock Ave. My older brother and I heard the legend of “Pygmy Village” and being the adventurous sort, we hiked up there and went all around that area on foot. There were a few regular houses and a couple of old little shacks (probably sheds) but I can honestly say, we NEVER saw, heard, or saw evidence of any little people or little houses. I really wanted it to be true, especially at that age, but it simply was not real. It was rather creepy though. Sorry to disappoint all of you who still believe!
The surveillance sign – yes, that’s somewhat true. While they’re not there 24-7, Tilcon does send a security pickup to patrol that road thing and make sure people aren’t dumping crap on their property. How often they’re there – I have no idea. White pickup (when I was last there on bike) or small SUV (I’ve seen them in the neighborhood last time I was in the NB area) – says security on it.
I’ve had friends who were “spotted” by them and shooed off.
That funky parking-lot looking road – I believe that’s a training ramp for their new drivers. It’s a big fancy-pants road going up and down a mountain. Grades are hazardous for truck drivers – and they haul a load of gravel, concrete, and other stuff.
I hang out at “pigmy village” all the time with my friend that lives up there. There are no midgets, nobody throws rocks, and we will stand on the porch and look at you like you are an idiot if you drive up there and have to turn around like Austin powers, as it is pretty tight at the end, and unless you know someone living up there, you have no right being there. Whoever talked about “fred savage” the mountain lion, had it right, 100%. Those who say little people throw rocks at cars have obviously never been there and are just liars that like to hear themselves talk to feel important.
When my grandmother was in her late teens her and her friends actually seen the little people running out of the houses
They’re called “children.” I see them all the time all over the place.
@ Steve~
LOL! Little pygmy children!
I’ve always wondered what was up top of the mountain in that area… and what that nicely paved and lighted road was for (the Tilcon Training road… Thanks KyanWan). I always said to my wife that I bet there is some kind of military installation up there. I guess I was kind of right… there used to be. Thanks.
I used to date one. Good love, her hands made me look larger than it is.
I went up there about 35 years ago.There where small shacks with stove pipes coming out the sides of them.Trees and weeds over growing around them.They where in bad shape 35 years ago.It was a very creepy place.They where in this field and a normal size house was in the middle of it all.The big house was all boarded up with no trespassing signs on it.It looked like some kind of old camp.I went up there a couple of years ago and could not find it.Maybe its torn down now.Somebody owned it.Had no trespassing signs all over the place.Never seen any people 35 years ago just old looking shacks and a creepy old house.
Update after looking at google satellite map of area.I think it was torn down.It was right before the first set of houses up there.Now it looks like they are digging up there.It was on the right side of the road.
I live in Bethel and yes the “frog people” STORY is true. No they don’t look like frogs, they don’t really look abnormal. They are regular people, they just commit incests and are inbreeds. The family has tried to keep it a secret, but just about everyone in town knows what’s going on. It’s been happening for years.
As a kid I lived in the old project in the picture… Pinnacle Heights..and we used to play all around that area… no pygmies, just lots of barking dogs that would chase ya, they are a bunch of homeowners who wanted to be left alone.
Okay, I lived there for 5 years. Last house on the left, 86 loon lake road, plainville. There are no little people, the houses have normal ceilings, counters, doors etc. my house was built in November of 1929. Anyone who says they are “small” on the inside is a straight-up liar. I have spent a lot of time in EVERY house up there and they are just run down thats all. The big open field was a quarry that has long been filled in. The person who said Elmo Aiudi owns the houses up there is absolutely correct, I rented from them and so can anyone else. It’s no mystical village of anything but run down houses you can rent for cheap with a lot of land to enjoy. My next door neighbor (who is in his 50s) told me that his father told him stories of pygmies up there when he was a kid, but there just stories. Leave the people up there alone, im sure there sick of you disrespectful kids doing doughnuts in their yards, throwing rocks at their houses and otherwise harassing them like I was when I lived there. They are nice, normal people with families just like you and me.
Thanks for your comment about “Pygmy Village.” As you and I both know, EVERY community around the country with similar fanciful stories are full of nonsense and conjecture and “uncle’s friends who knew a girl who lived there” crap.
The intent of my page was to research and dispel the myths surrounding the area. AND to add some color to the stories with historical fact. You’d be amazed how many people search various terms relating to the area and find that page. Thousands over the years.
Unfortunately, coherent and factual comments like yours get lost in the bluster because insane stories of pygmies (!) are more exciting to people. I tend to think the real histories of places are far more interesting, and that’s my aim on my pages like that.
I do know that I’ve dissuaded at least a few people from exploring the private property up there and for that, I’m happy I guess.
But let me ask you: How many struts and shocks did you have to replace after driving up and down that horrible road so many times?
Again, thanks for your comment.
i used to go for walks in the area a lot between 2010 and 2012. what i saw mostly was evidence of parties and little redneck camps in the woods. i remember seeing some small storage buildings near a field. i never saw the mountain lion (probably for the best, i probably would have shit myself if i did). but i went back just a few months ago (june of 2013) to find there is now some kind of large building going up where there used to be a large walking path on the right, shortly after the overpass on n. mountain road. i wasnt sure what they were building, as when i saw it they barely had the frame started. it was primed to be something somewhat sizable. a walmart? an apartment complex? a small industrial site? hard to tell at the time. i cant say im surprised though, as there was a construction vehicle parked there for like an entire year prior. but farther in, it just looks like the ruins of an old, forgotten path leading to an old, unused military site, next to a small road with some houses near the end. i’m from maine, so i’m rather accustomed to roads of this nature. but i can certainly see where the imaginative and superstitious would give urban legends to this less than urban area on the outskirts of town.
I grew up in N.B. and am quite familiar with the area. How do I think the whole “Pygmy Village” thing got started? Well, there was one house that had a half-size(or so) storm/screen door on it. It was about half the scale of a standard 80″ door. It was not the main, or even secondary, entrance to the house. It appeared to be an entrance to what, I think, was a crawl space or storage area under what was a slightly elevated home. There were also a few stairs leading up to the normal, full-sized, entrance door to the home.
Anyone who remembers the small aluminum “floor display sample” doors from the size constricted hardware stores(long before Home Depot)know exactly what I’m talking about. It was a, full-featured, “pygmy” size version of a full-scale aluminum storm door. A homeowner probably got the brilliant idea of using a discarded sample door to use as a covering to an access portal to his plumbing and, boom, the legend of “Pygmy Village” was born. Anyone who saw it would, no doubt, say “Who the heck uses that??” Someone probably thought, “A person the size of a pygmy”. Just my theory. I first saw it 35+ years ago and have no idea if it’s still there.
Gungywamp is in Groton but past Uncasville in Montville there is a twin ancient site to Gungywamp. Google Montville souterrains. Beaverdam hill. Pretty impossible to find, but very real, underground caves built before Columbus, by the people who built Gungywamp.
The reason the historical location is New Britain is because Plainville used to be a part of New Britain until it incorporated as a separate township.
I remember going on a hike on the Metacomet Trail with a friend and his dad at age 12. The dad even pointed out where the old missile base was. I didn’t know about all the mountain lion or pygmy village stuff at the time.
Just for clarification sake, Plainville, originally part of Farmington, was first settled about 1657 and incorporated as a separate town in July 1869. The name developed about 1830
I lived in “Pygmy Village” for about 8 years. When we heard about all the stories we thought, “oh boy, let’s have some fun!” So when we saw lights come up the road slowly at night we would turn out our lights and my wife would go hide in the lilac bush and make scary sounds as they drove by! We had a blast watching those kid’s faces when I would put a flashlight under my chin in the dark through the upstairs window. They would scream and race out of there! Good times on a Saturday night!!
That car that is parked before the entering the bridge at the end of Long Swamp Road is actually my grandmothers. You can’t see the cars behind but, there should be a Lexus SUV & another car. 196 long swamp rd was where my grandma lived for about 6 years. I was smaller at the time. My mother (9 months pregnant), my sister & me would walk up that road to try to induce my mothers labor. We got as far as a house & a couple of trucks. I kept telling them that we’re trespassing on private property. No one listened. We reached as far as getting rocks thrown at us. We couldn’t see who but, they were running around the trees & what not. Really scary.
Back in the early 70s I went to Goodwin Tech School in New Britain, and remember kids mentioning the stories of the little people in the area which was nearby. But reading this story brought back memories of the Nike Base we had friends that lived on it and we used to go there quite often . The father Larry Jordan was stationed there. He had a part time job fixing TVs that’s how we came to know him and his fam. It’s funny to realize that it was the place the kids in school were talking about and that I used to go there. Nope never saw any little people except kids lol.
Does anybody know who to contact to rent a house back there? I can’t find anything online and if the price is right, I’d be willing to live there
I lived I new Britain too on Torkom dr I went camping there and race dirt bikes too I was all over those wood not true
I grew up in the Pinnacle Heights housing project in the 1950s. We knew of the pygmie village. I used to play in the swamp land woods around it. We knew not to actually go into their specific area, because everyone said they were cretins…families who were inbred and weren’t right in the heads. It was true. They had coarse features, and were very brutish & cruel. They tortured small animals & pets. If they saw you they’d run you off and threatened violence. Once a dog was decapitated and the head was stuck on a stick on the side of the road to warn people away. Even the toughest project kid stayed away…the boys in their ‘village’ were practically ogres.
I am 65 years old now, and live several states away….but just seeing your photos makes me shudder. Evil really did live there at one time. I am totally suprised at how it looks the same now as it did back then. Creepy.
Today me in the group of friends went down to midget bill and wondered if it still looks the same as bags we got cheese By midgets and their dogs we also got chased down by Han dogs in clowns After we got away from the hotdogs clowns midgets and dogs we arrive at an abandoned cemetery an everything there was alive we saw him we saw him and two pebbles and a mountain lion We also saw a great white shark into orca whales in an anaconda that look like Barack ObamaThey waive that me and my peoples scared but we all became friends and then we went to lunch converse community college where we saw for skunks two caterpillars 15 inch Ants and five of your mom And 15 but fathers it appears that your mother had so much fun And when we were at midget Ville community college we saw Tinker Bell Cinderella and the big bad wolf And we all did an orgy by guys
Cocaine is a hell of a drug.
I lived in New Britain over different periods, late 70’s early 80’s. Glad that project is gone. I heard about the village of little people, but they had moved because they were being harrassed all the time. It was another hidden wooded in hill in NB.
There are mountain lions in CT.
Yes mountain lions are real in Connecticut. I ran into one behind CSP shooting range in simsbury on the side of the same mountain range. Later when I was at the 4-H club in Bloomfield they told me that the mountain lion was common. A State trooper once told people that d e e p was releasing mountain lions to help control the whitetail deer population. So the mountain line story is true. The pygmy story is not true. I am an insurance inspector and I had to inspect these houses once and none of the people were pygmies. They all rent from an Italian guy who calls himself October 24th Incorporated now he’s called March 17th LLC. The guy that said that the people were doing illegal mining was telling the truth because these people don’t have any other income and they pay their rent with what they mind up there. The University of Connecticut once said New Britain and East Hampton Connecticut were loaded with a precious mineral which can be mined by anybody and that’s exactly what tilcon and manafort are doing up there. There’s also another one in downtown New Britain underneath the fast track.n
lifelong resident, the story is somewhat correct, however the houses long ago owned by aiudi were built for the employees that came in from italy as immigrants (where tomassos huge world hq is)for the families and workers for the “blue rock” connecticuts gold, .there were only around seven houses with a couple being multi families., these people were/are just regular people with their children enrolled in local schools, the crosses, dad was the keller family who was the longest and last family to reside there legally, the other crosses are for the men who died working in this 500 foot deep hole, now filled in and leveled, with only the statue of mary overseeing the field as it did (the same one in the same spot) when she overlooked the hole, as for nike, yes there are a whole bunch of roads from the 40s which even in the eighties were taken over by nature, you would have to know where they were or only stumble across them to see them,. now loon lake road is named for a very large lake big enough to water ski on, ive only seen pics of boats and the beach, very popular place back then, however as a life long resident i have never found out why the water is gone , did they have a flood, did the military drain it, none the less if you get in there and find ponds with fish in them ,go to the ponds edge and look up ,you will see the tree line and the banks and walls of this extinct lake, it is very deep as well ,. if anyone knows what happened to the water let me know ive been trying for thirty years, now, yes do not mess with the cell tower that is a government tower,. as for mining so called minerals, tomasso or no private entity owns the land, rights ,or able to occupy this land,. this is property of the u.s. government. mining is illegal at any us government site any where as well as connecticut state law forbids mining, punishable, statewide especially the state parks. only your own personal property is ok., what are they protecting? except for needing the area for future conflicts, and normal minerals used for roads and concrete, the answer is silver, theres a whole bunch all over ct especially RATTLESNAKE MOUNTAIN as the area is now known
I know that there was a mink farm in that area in the 50’s and 60’s owned by the Lagosz family.
Maybe the smaller buildings that could have been mistaken for huts were actually mink houses, kennels or whatever term applies.
I am a photographer who shared my Pygmy Village photos (taken 8/19/2022) on the CTMQ Facebook page. Here is the link:
Well of course you can’t find it – its Midget Village, not Pygmy Village, you’re looking for the wrong thing. Was fifty years ago anyway,. Been there many times, seen what’s what for myself. It was on Loon Lake Rd, no where near Long swamp, The Niedzwiecki’s Were life-long childhood friends of my late father so I was acquainted with them (yes, I come from a line of somewhat swamp yankees). Way back the quarry owners used to have armed guards patrolling & they weren’t sympathetic. Musta been afraid someone would steal a few boulders. Remember when the Nike base was still operating, my dad often had to go up there, they had housing for personnel in several towns.