Russian-Ukrainian Evangelical Baptist Union
This is one of those posts that very few will read and many more will question why it even exists. I’m in the the “many more” group.
I think we can all agree that I can’t chase down every superlative and “first” and “only” in Connecticut. Hypothetically, the possibilities are infinite. I have to draw a line somewhere.
Apparently, I’ve yet to define that line.

They lost some treetops along their long driveway
This place came to my attention when I was scouring Ashford for … stuff. CTMQ stuff for my months-long project to “complete everything” in town. Here’s why this page exists:
The 98-acre, wooded headquarters is the Slavic Missionary Publications office, which publishes “Sower of Truth,” the oldest Russian publication in the United States.
You see? That’s something! I think. (In truth, I think it’s fairly interesting. I… think.)
I drove onto the property along route 44 at the Eastford line. No one was there in the dead of winter and frankly, I had no plans to speak with anyone anyway. I’m not Russian or Ukranian or Baptist or really all that interested in anything beyond two pictures from my car. (There are a bunch of ugly bloc-style dorm units onsite that I didn’t bother capturing.)
Russian-Ukrainian Evangelical Baptist Union
CTMQ’s US Oldests
CTMQ’s Churches, Temples, & Random Religious Things

Thank you for linking their web site, it is very informative and beautiful!