Sharon Land Trust Trails
There is much natural beauty in Sharon. You can assume that simply because the Appalachian Trail runs through it for a few miles, sure, but you should also be aware of this very active land trust (as well as others that have trailed land in town). It seems that everybody here in into, um, “Sharin’ land.”
Lucky for us. For most of the state, getting out to Sharon isn’t the easiest of tasks, but for someone interested in the woods and hills and views of the Litchfield Hills, it’s always worth it. So let’s get to it!
Sharon Land Trust Trails
If linked, I’ve hiked it
Benton Hill Preserve
D’Alton Property
Goodbody/Paley Preserve
Hamlin/Wike Brothers/Mary Moore Preserves
Sharon Mountain Preserve
Talbot Preserve
Twin Oaks Preserve
Sharon Land Trust
CTMQ’s Land Trust Trails

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