Sherman’s Town Trails
The Sherm. The Sherminator. Sherm-Town. Less than 4,000 people live in Sherman, so I don’t think any of these nicknames have even taken/will ever take off. Although some heavy hitters live in town like Darryl Hall and Jeffrey Toobin and Diane von Furstenburg and Bob Iger. And if anyone can make something happen, it’s artists and creators like these.
One thing they can’t make happen is more town trail miles. Probably. Sherman is well covered already with the Appalachian Trail, the Northwest Connecticut Land Conservancy trails, and a few other entities owning land in town. So I won’t get on Sherman too much for only caring for a couple tiny little town park trails.
After all, who wants to mess with the Sherminator anyway? Not me.
My Sherman Town Hikes:
If linked, that means I’ve done it.
Colonial Park
Veteran’s Field
Sherman hiking/mapping resources:
Various maps of Sherman (UConn)

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