Stamford Land Conservation Trust
Do you ever think about these land trusts in lower Fairfield County and how extraordinary they are? Land in Greenwich, Stamford, Darien, New Canaan, etc. is very, very expensive land. Probably some of the most expensive non-big city land in the country I’d guess. And yet these plucky little non-profit land trusts exist and have trails.
Granted, a lot of their holdings are too swampy to build houses, but… that doesn’t matter. Stamford covers a fairly large area, from New York to the Sound and it has woods and rivers and stuff. Even part of a State Park. New Haven is Connecticut’s most vibrant city, but Stamford is our most modern. So I’m curious what the hiking down there is like… we shall see!
Hikes & Preserves:
Birch Meadow Preserve
Grass Island
Helen Altschul Preserve
Mayapple/Tanglewood Preserve (Private)
Squirrel Run Preserve
Stamford Land Conservation Trust
CTMQ’s Guide to Stamford
CTMQ’s Land Trust Trails Page

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