Suffield Land Conservancy Trails
Suffering Suffieldatash. The town is large and rural. The Metacomet Ridge slices through the northern border town. Farms abound. Woods are a’plenty. And yet… and yet this organization had to fight to exist in the early 1980’s when developers were trying to do what they do in Suffield. Fortunately they gained a foothold and some no interest loans and have been able to preserve a solid chunk of property along the ridge and throughout town.
Some of their parcels are trailed and some are not. The only true way to sort that out is by visiting each, so let’s get going.
The Preserves and Hikes:
Hugh M. Alcorn and Howard Wells Alcorn Wildlife Preserves
John and Madeline McClean Outdoor Education Preserve
Spencer Woods Wildlife Preserve
Overlook Ridge
Sydney F. Fuller Wildlife Preserve
Mountain Brook Nature Preserve
Silver Creek Crossing Property
Suffield Land Conservancy
CTMQ’s Land Trust Trails Main Page
CTMQ’s Guide to Suffield

My ancestors helped develop E. Haddam, and I am wondering if the Spencer Woods has its name from any of my ancestors, or if they donated the land. Could you tell me how the Spencer Woods came to be originally?
Hi Sanda, Spencer Woods ( is named for Spencer Montgomery – as are many things in Suffield.