Nah, Man, Nah
Sunrise Drive Preserve & Ten Mile River Access, Columbia
September 2019
Thanks for clicking the link to this page. I’ve got good and bad news.
The good news is you are an awesome person for reading, apparently, whatever the heck I write about. Thanks for being cool.

Sunrise Drive Preserve
The bad news is that there’s nothing here. Nada. Zip. Zilch.
These two properties are listed on Columbia’s town website and I sought to explore them both.
Ten Mile River Access
Maybe this trail exists? I drove around the Samuel Hill Road loop twice looking for a hint of a trail. All the homes are new and I’m guessing the trail no longer exists. Even looking at a Google maps drilldown shows that there might be an easement, but… I specifically looked for it and found nothing.
The guys out doing yard work right there also didn’t appear to be very welcoming to me. Oh well, let’s call it extinct.
Sunrise Drive Preserve
Sunrise Drive is populated by more new construction, but I was able to park at the dead-end and follow a sort-of trail down the hill into the woods.
Where it promptly disappeared. It looks to me that new houses will be built here someday soon and that the town gave up on this trail already. Who knows.
Back up to the car, cross these places off, and go have a drink at Heartstone Winery across route 87. That’s what I did.
CTMQ’s hikes of Columbia’s Town Trails

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