February 2010 issue of Connecticut Magazine – It's here: An article about yours truly! (See below.) Dan called me out of the blue one night from his place down in Yale in November or December 2008. I ignored him. So he wrote to me. I stalled him. Months went by... And I was on leave from work dealing with … [Read more...]
Mission Statement
“Destroying the myth that there is nothing to do here” (in Connecticut) serves as my mission statement. This website will also serve as a vehicle to increase awareness of special needs issues and rare genetic disorder support. I have used it to help me deal with parenting Damian (his story here) and it will … [Read more...]
Republican-American Article
This one went to "subscriber's only archives" quickly. Anyway, here it is. May 18, 2009 SMALL TOWN MATTERS One man's quest to prove there's plenty to do While doing research on state museums the other day, I came across a remarkable gem on the Web. It's called Connecticut Museum Quest. What first … [Read more...]
About Me
Stephen Wood, Married Father of Damian and Calvin Hates Talking About Himself, Proud INTJ Thank you for taking a moment to read my website. What started as a little hobby to keep me busy and active has evolved into something I never expected. And whatever comes of it, it has always been - and continues to be - a … [Read more...]